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A line of cholesterol-lowering natural foods that you must try, including aubergines


When cholesterol levels are high, proper handling is required to avoid various dangerous diseases. Not only with medications, but you can consume natural foods that lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol-lowering foods can be foods that contain low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or low bad cholesterol. However, you can also eat foods that contain high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or higher good cholesterol.

Quoted from Health lineAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the ideal cholesterol level is:

  • LDL: less than 100 mg/dL
  • HDL: 40 mg/dL or higher
  • Triglycerides: less than 150 mg/dL
  • Total cholesterol: less than 200 mg/dL

LDL is considered high if it is between 130 and 159 mg/dL and very high above 160 mg/dL. While HDL is considered bad if it is less than 40 mg/dL.

While the high limit for cholesterol ranges from 200-239 mg/dL and is considered very high if it is above 240 mg/dL. To find out your cholesterol levels you can do a blood test.

Natural foods to lower cholesterol

There are several cholesterol-lowering foods that you can try. Here are some natural foods that lower cholesterol mentioned by different sources:

1. Avocados

Numerous clinical studies show that eating avocados can reduce bad cholesterol in the body. Instead, this fruit will raise your good cholesterol levels.

Avocados are very rich in nutrients, fiber and unsaturated fats. To consume it, it can be consumed directly or used as a juice to lower cholesterol.

2. Nuts

This natural cholesterol lowering food contains fiber, minerals and proteins which are helpful in controlling the cholesterol levels in the body. In fact, these foods can lower bad cholesterol levels.

Not only that, these nuts contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium that can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease. Nuts that can be eaten range from almonds, walnuts, walnuts, to peas.

3. Soybeans

Soybeans can also reduce excess cholesterol levels in the body. You can consume processed foods made from soybeans, such as tempeh, tofu and soy milk.

4. Oats

Another natural food for lowering cholesterol is oats. It contains beta glucan, a type of soluble fiber, which can lower high cholesterol. In addition to oats, you can also consume oat-like grain products, such as whole grains and barley.

In addition to being able to lower cholesterol, whole grains may also reduce the risk of heart disease which can arise if cholesterol levels in the body are high.

5. Potatoes

In addition to being a menu choice when dieting, these potatoes contain pectin, a kind of soluble fiber capable of lowering cholesterol in the body. These foods also contain potassium which can lower blood pressure and stroke risk.

6. Green vegetables

Vegetables can also lower cholesterol, such as spinach, kale and other dark green vegetables. It can lower cholesterol by binding to bile acids and causing more cholesterol to be excreted from the body.

The lutein content in green vegetables can help prevent cholesterol from binding to artery walls. Meanwhile, the carotenoid content can work as an antioxidant to scavenge free radicals so that you are not susceptible to heart disease.

7. Garlic

The next cholesterol-lowering food is garlic. These onions contain allicin, which can lower bad cholesterol and high blood pressure.

8. Eggplant

It turns out that eggplant can also be one of the natural foods for lowering cholesterol. This is because eggplants contain pectin, which can lower cholesterol and protect the body from the risk of heart disease.

9. Berries

One fruit that can lower cholesterol is a berry. Because this fruit contains soluble fiber and bioactive compounds. These compounds lower LDL levels and raise HDL and prevent heart disease.

Besides berries, other fruits that can be selected are apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries.

10. Salmon and tuna

Salmon and tuna are included in the type of oily fish which can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body due to the omega-3 content. Not only that, omega-3s may also reduce the risk of inflammation and stroke.

11. Dark chocolate

Another delicious food that can be eaten often turns out to be a natural cholesterol-lowering food, namely dark chocolate. Research shows that the cocoa in chocolate can reduce bad cholesterol in the body and increase good cholesterol.

12. Appeal

A small 2019 study found that consuming two apples a day reduced total and LDL cholesterol levels. It can also lower levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood.

One apple contains 3-7 grams of dietary fiber, depending on size. Furthermore, apples also contain polyphenolic compounds which also have a good impact on cholesterol levels.

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