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a great health hazard for France throughout the summer, we reveal everything!

Aedes mosquitoes (“Tiger mosquitoes”), can cause diseases like zika, chikungunya or dengue, and will become a public health problem across the country”During“ the next decades ”, recently estimated a commission of inquiry in the Assembly, which calls for action.

“This is an invasive species (tiger mosquito), which did not exist in France before 2004. In 2019, 58 departments out of the 96 metropolitan departments were colonized”, according to the rapporteur and LREM member of Mayotte Ramlati Ali.

“If for fifty years the metropolitan territory has lived free from diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, this is no longer the case today. We will have to learn to live with them, while limiting their impact on the health of the French as much as possible ”, she added.

And the commission of inquiry notes that in overseas this health problem is already very established.

The commission submitted 46 proposals to “overhaul a prevention policy” or “overhaul the institutional framework” for the fight against the proliferation of these mosquitoes.

Deltamethrin is the only insecticide available “to the government to control, in the short term, Aedes mosquitoes in a given location,” according to the report.

But the rather, the commission of inquiry wishes to avoid massive spraying, for environmental reasons and not to risk increasing resistance in mosquitoes. Rather, it pushes to diversify molecules.

“This is an invasive species, which did not exist in France before 2004. In 2019, 58 departments out of the 96 metropolitan departments were colonized”, according to the rapporteur and LREM deputy of Mayotte Ramlati Ali.

“If for fifty years the metropolitan territory lived free from mosquito-borne diseases, this is no longer the case today. We will have to learn to live with them, while limiting their impact on the health of the French as much as possible ”, she said.

Better public information is recommended as well as the establishment “in the affected territories of a regional prevention plan against the development of breeding sites”.

A guide to actions to fight against mosquitoes Aedes is claimed by the commission.

And, a bill on health security, provides a “first response” according to the commission, on the legal and institutional level.

Regional health agencies (ARS) could be set up, if the text reaches the Assembly.

It’s‘ex-minister PS from overseas Ericka Bareigts, who chairs this committee and who has just left the Assembly for the town hall of Saint-Denis de La Réunion, 46 proposals to “re-found a prevention policy“, Are submitted.

Indeed after this very disabling pandemic of Covid, France does not want to be again plunged into strong health risks.

“It arrived in Europe in the 2000s, by plane, or more probably by boat, since the life of mosquitoes is linked to humidity”, explained Stéphane Gayet, infectious disease specialist at Strasbourg University Hospital, in the Journal des Femmes at the beginning of July. 2020.

Tiger mosquitoes are now established in more than 100 countries on the 5 continents of the planet.

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