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A Coruña modifies its budgets to pay the expropriated of the Castro de Elviña | Radio Coruña

The plenary of May has approved without any vote against and with the abstention of the Atlantic Tide a modification of the budget from 2020 To proceed with payment of the 11.6 million of the expropriations of the Castro de Elviña. Not complying with this final ruling, the council saw how the debt with the expropriated increased by 12,000 euros each month. Only from interest generated, A Coruña owes the expropriated 4 million euros.

This amendment also contemplates suppress for this year the payment for the land of the Solana, with an item of 1.4 million euros.

A change that has been defended by the Councilor for Finance, Jose Manuel Lage Tuñas: “The land of the solana will not be bought in 2020, that game will not be sacred because the Atlantic Tide came up with, at some point in 2017, put it in the budget, by the way, they put it on and it went on, so you can’t come here to give budget execution lessons. ”

This has been the main reason for disagreement with the Atlantic Tide, very hard with the local government for a change that was not consulted.
Iago Martínez, Marea’s deputy spokesman, appeals to institutional loyalty: “Not everything is worth it because the government’s responsibility was to look for alternatives and we believe that they were not sought, and finally, transparency and loyalty, if they thought to suppress the game we reserved for Solana , at the very least, it was to communicate. ”

The rest of the groups have approved this change with criticism. The popular ones ask the government for agility to bring other budget changes to the plenary session to face the economic crisis of the coronavirus.

Rosa Gallego, PP spokesperson, believes that the City Council should have other priorities at this time: “Once again we debate millionaire socialist inheritances, extraordinary situations require courageous governments, all the money that can be invested in reactivating the economy is little. A courageous government would have negotiated the payment of sentences in installments, even if interest has to be paid for two more months After so many years, it doesn’t mean anything to the city council either, there are priorities. “

Too the nationalists demand agility from the local government, Francisco Jorquera remembers that they have opposed the expense in that game for the lands of the Solana: “The BNG never agreed to contemplate that operation, in this plenary we have repeatedly defended the assignment or free return to the prison council, of the lands of the maestranza, and we defend the same with the lands of the Solana

Ciudadanos has voted in favor of the proposed change arguing that the payment of the sentence was a priority.

Inés Rey has started thanking the opposition

In an atypical plenary session and without an audience that began with an institutional statement in memory of all those who died from the coronavirus health crisis and in recognition of the work carried out by health workers, service personnel and state security forces and bodies.

A plenary in which the mayoress Inés Rey has begun, also thanking the opposition: “The work of the government would have been very different from having another type of opposition, we had a loyal opposition, responsible and with institutional sense, and for me as mayors it is a pride to preside over a corporation in which you are all working. ” An atypical image at other levels of the public debate.

First plenary session after the start of the state of alarm in which the financing of the coronavisrus economic crisis and the role of administrations in caring for the elderly were also discussed.

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