Home » today » Health » A chubby-faced baby with a typical lunar face can be a sign of illness

A chubby-faced baby with a typical lunar face can be a sign of illness

JAKARTALunar face is a term referring to the shape of a round or lunar face. In children though it looks cute, but the face plump special lunar face it could be a sign of an illness.

Lunar face occurs due to the accumulation of fat in the face area. Usually the face swells up gradually, until it finally forms as round as the moon. Distinctive sign lunar face that is double chin on the chin and cheek area is so swollen that the ears are usually not visible.

According to Medical News Today, lunar face it could be a sign of an illness. The most common are obesity or overweight syndromes Cushing. Syndrome Cushing it is a condition in which the body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol on a long-term basis.

Also, there are many cases of babies with faces lunar face they also suffer from type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, due to diet or heredity. Consuming certain types of medications can also cause facial swelling.

For example taking long-term steroid medications and other medications that can increase appetite. And it can also be due to allergic reactions from aspirin, penicillin, and glucocorticoid-type drugs.

Fat body with puffy cheeks plump Children sometimes give a strange impression and are thought to have good nutritional needs and good health. This condition often causes parents not to pay attention and know that the child’s face is classified lunar face.

In Health line it is said, lunar face in itself it is not actually dangerous, but if left without knowing the cause, the disease or the risk factors that trigger it lunar face it could get worse.

In older children or adolescents, lunar face There are concerns that it may affect self-confidence and mental health. Therefore, parents are advised to pay attention to the condition of the child’s body.

If your child’s weight continues to increase followed by swelling of the face shape, it is advisable to help your child control his weight or check his health condition.

Lunar face it can be overcome by eliminating or treating the cause. You can also do home treatments such as following a weight loss diet, moving and exercising diligently, and reducing your salt intake.

Also, if lunar face caused by the use of drugs, especially steroids, it is advisable to substitute other types of steroids. However, keep in mind that changing or stopping the use of this drug should be in accordance with your doctor’s recommendations.

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