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“Free Health Net: Nutritionist Offers 7 Tips to Reduce Stress and Avoid Developments of Big Belly”


Nutritionist Xu Yuzhen pointed out that psychological stress is also a reason for the accumulation of abdominal fat in modern people, because stress can cause excessive cortisol secretion and lead to obesity; situation photo. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]There are many factors that affect obesity, not just diet. Nutritionist Xu Yuzhen pointed out that psychological stress is also a reason for the accumulation of abdominal fat in modern people, because stress can cause excessive cortisol secretion and lead to obesity. Nutritionists suggest that you can do aerobic exercise, sleep well, chat with positive friends, stay away from stressors, and reduce caffeine intake to relieve stress.

Xu Yuzhen’s Facebook fan page “Ivy Nutritionist’s Health Classroom“The article stated that the abdominal obesity of many middle-aged people is caused by psychological pressure. Problems such as economic pressure, life pressure, and interpersonal relationships are all major reasons for the accumulation of abdominal fat in modern people, because stress will activate the hypothalamus- The pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis leads to excess cortisol secretion, which leads to obesity.

She explained that cortisol is a stress hormone, also known as cortisol, which is secreted vigorously during the day, allowing people to concentrate and lift their spirits to go to work; at night, the concentration will gradually decrease, allowing people to relax and fall asleep easily , but if the long-term stress is too high and the concentration of cortisol remains high, it will lead to obesity, many physiological problems, and even diseases.

Physiological role of cortisol

●Promote metabolism: Regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, promote fat decomposition.

●Regulation of the immune system: fight against chronic inflammation and maintain a normal immune system.

●Anti-Stress: Accelerate heart rate and blood pressure, improve alertness and concentration to cope with emergencies or any stress.

●Affect the secretion of other hormones: Excessive cortisol will cause abnormal secretion of many hormones in the body, such as: insulin, growth hormone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, melatonin and so on.

Xu Yuzhen said that it can be seen from this that this stress hormone has a profound impact on the human body. Long-term stress and excessive cortisol secretion will lead to the following problems:

1. Insulin resistance: Although insulin is secreted, it cannot function, which will cause high blood sugar and promote the synthesis of abdominal fat. This is the seed of obesity, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

2. Decreased secretion of growth hormone: Decreased secretion of growth hormone will also lead to fat accumulation, bloated body, decreased muscle mass, and decreased exercise endurance.

3. Let the body be in chronic inflammation: If the inflammatory factors in the body are high for a long time, metabolic syndrome (three highs), cardiovascular disease, and many chronic diseases will be reported in advance.
Affect fertility: Too much cortisol secretion in women will cause low progesterone, leading to problems such as infertility, polycystic ovaries, and premenstrual syndrome.

4. Affect sleep and mood: Insufficient sleep will affect the mental state and work performance during the day. If the state is not good during the day, it is easy to cause anxiety and tension, forming a vicious circle. However, lack of sleep can also affect hormonal balance, cause a surge in appetite, and is also a major cause of obesity.


Nutritionist Xu Yuzhen pointed out that besides the direct impact of chronic stress on abdominal obesity, psychological stress can also induce people to crave sweets and high-fat foods, which will also lead to the accumulation of visceral fat and abdominal fat; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from shutterstock)

If you are stressed, don’t eat sugar to relieve stress, and it will be difficult to quit for a long time

She added that in addition to the direct impact of chronic stress on abdominal obesity, psychological stress can also induce people to crave sweets and high-fat foods, which can also lead to visceral fat and abdominal fat accumulation. A large part of the culprits that lead to obesity and chronic diseases come from stress. Moderate stress makes people grow, but excessive stress not only makes people lose their bodies, but also increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, infertility, and dementia. The risk of major diseases such as depression and depression, so stress relief is really a very important topic for modern people.

Xu Yuzhen said that everyone has different ways of relieving stress. You can engage in activities you like to reduce stress, but don’t rely on eating sweets to relieve stress, otherwise you may become fatter and your body’s desire for “sugar” will increase. The higher it is, the harder it is to quit over time. Xu Yuzhen also shared with you how to relieve stress:

●Buying flowers: nutritionists like flowers, as long as you put all kinds of flowers and plants at home, you will make your mood much happier.

●Dance aerobic dance: dance aerobic dance, the body dances with the brisk music, which relieves stress.

●Have a good sleep: sometimes relax moderately and don’t care about anything. After a good night’s sleep, you will wake up refreshed and work more efficiently.

●Chat with positive friends: find friends to go out for a walk, or even sit in a supermarket to eat and chat, you can sweep away the haze of your mind, but the key is to find the right person, someone with positive thinking .

●Shopping with a budget: shopping can make people feel happy, but everyone’s economic situation is different, spending moderately according to the budget will make people feel good.

●Stay away from stressors: Sometimes it’s good to take a light trip, whether it’s an afternoon, a whole day, or three to five days. Stay away from stress and go to see the green mountains and green waters, which will open up your mind a lot.

●Reduce caffeine intake as much as possible: too much caffeine will make anxiety, nervousness and heart palpitations worse, and the frequency of panic will also increase. Therefore, people who are stressed should drink as little coffee as possible.

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