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17-year-old teenager dies of infection caused by a tampon

The young experiment vomit and fever; the doctors did not give a correct diagnosis

In recent days, the newspaper La Nouvelle Gazette He reported that a 17 year old teenager which was only identified as Maëlle He died last Thursday because of an infection called toxic shock syndrome (SCT) caused by a tampon.

According to this media, the teenage girl from Somzée, Belgium, entered the hospital early last week after presenting several days vomit and high fevers.

Initially, the doctors determined that it was a gastrointestinal problem but as the hours went by, the young woman’s picture worsened, so she had to be transferred to the intensive care unit where she was finally diagnosed with a septic shock, from which they could no longer get it out.

“It is unacceptable. Our 17-year-old Maëlle, a great athlete, full of life and projects, left us in less than 48 hours. A death due to a septic shock from the tampons that was diagnosed five hours after the first symptoms by a doctor on call. It is unacceptable, ”his mother posted on Facebook.

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