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Good for the Body’s Immune, These 9 Fruits Contain Vitamin C

Fruits that contain vitamin C can support a healthy body. In the article “Vitamin C and Coronavirus explained that vitamin C plays an important role in the formation of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, muscles, and collagen so it is very important for healing.

Vitamin C can help increase the body’s immune system so as to prevent the body from various diseases. In addition, vitamin C can reduce the risk of chronic disease, regulate high blood pressure, prevent gout, and so on.

To get these benefits, a person certainly needs to pay attention to their level of vitamin C intake, not too little or not too much. For adults, vitamin C intake ranges from 75-90 milligrams (mg) per day.

Fruits Containing Vitamin C.

One of the good sources of vitamin C is fruits. Compiled from Katadatafollowing fruits that contain vitamin C.

1. Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit known as pitahaya or strawberry pear. This tropical fruit is synonymous with its bright red skin and sweet, speckled flesh. It looks unique, tastes delicious, this fruit has many health benefits.

Dragon fruit has a myriad of nutrients and vitamins so it is often dubbed as superfood. This fruit is useful for reducing the risk of chronic disease, increasing the body’s immune system, and improving digestion.

2. Pineapple

Pineapple is a type of fruit from the family Bromeliaceae which has a scientific name Pineapple comosus Merr. Pineapple plants have a tough leathery skin and pointed leaves on top. The taste of pineapple is a fresh mix of sweet and slightly sour.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, pineapple contains large amounts of vitamin C, which helps fight cell damage. Vitamin C also helps with health problems, such as heart disease and joint pain.

3. Blackcurrants

Although it has been sold in several super markets, this fruit is not very familiar. Even though the vitamin C content is very high, which is around 101 mg for about 56 grams of black currants. This fruit can meet the needs of vitamin C in the body as much as 112 percent.

Not only contains vitamin C, black currants also contain antioxidant flavonoids which are also good for the body. Consuming this fruit regularly and not excessively is believed to prevent heart disease, cancer, and other chronic diseases.

4. Orange

Although classified as a populist fruit, the content of vitamin C which is good for endurance is in this fruit. Even in one fruit orange already contains 70 mg of vitamin C and is able to meet 78 percent of daily needs.

5. Lemon

The content of vitamin C in lemons reaches 54 milligrams, according to data from FoodData Central by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Apart from being consumed, lemon juice It can also be used as a facial treatment. Studies in “Journal of Endourology“Mentioned, lemons contain citric acid as much as 48 g/L.

When applied to the skin, citric acid exfoliates the top layer of skin and regenerates dead skin cells. Citric acid also promotes new skin growth which can help reduce the appearance of age spots, acne scars, small wrinkles, and areas of uneven color and texture.

6. Bananas

Bananas also contain vitamin C, folic acid, beta carotene, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, choline, omega 3, omega 6, and anti-oxidants. . The levels of each of these nutrients will vary in each banana.

Bananas are useful as a source of energy, smooth the digestive system, prevent colon cancer, prevent anemia, reduce hypertension, increase concentration, prevent stroke, to overcome the problem of stomach acid.

7. Guava Seeds

The content of vitamin C in guava is known to reach 126 milligrams and can meet the daily requirement of vitamin C by 140%. This fruit is also rich in lycopene antioxidant so good for skin health.

In addition to skin health, guava is believed to reduce the pressure of cholesterol levels in the body.

8. Kiwi

This fruit with brown skin and green flesh also has a high vitamin C content. Kiwi Medium size is known to contain vitamin C as much as 71 mg and can meet daily vitamin C needs of about 79 percent.

Kiwi fruit is believed to reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke. Consumption of kiwi every day in moderate amounts can also increase the activity of white blood cells by up to 20 percent.

9. Strawberry

The sour and fresh taste indicates the rich content of vitamin C from Strawberry. Consuming as much as 152 grams of strawberries is the same as meeting the daily requirement of vitamin C as much as 99 percent.

Other nutrients are also known to exist in this fruit such as manganese, flavonoids, folate, and antioxidants which are part of vitamins for endurance. Consumption of strawberries on a regular basis and not excessive is believed to prevent cancer, diseases of the blood vessels, and even diabetes.

Thus 9 types of fruit that contain vitamin C. It is highly recommended to consume Vitamin C regularly, so that the body’s health is maintained.

However, it should be remembered that the consumption of vitamin C should also not be excessive, because it will have a negative impact on the body. According to nutrition practitioners, the maximum daily intake of vitamin C for adults should not exceed 2000 mg.

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