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The role of the print media

At a time when social networks and cell phones did not exist, and television had not yet entered all homes, information during this dramatic winter of 1961-1962 circulated a great deal through the radio and the written press. The Aveyron newspapers followed the movement of miners day by day during the conflict. All parades and various actions are reported with intensity, including special pages. A section entitled “From the bottom of the mine, we write to you” attracted attention, because the strikers thus communicated with the surface and their families. Every morning, readers eagerly bought their daily newspapers. Then, the French press took an interest in it, “L’Humanité” and “Christian testimony”, among others, dispatched their special envoys to the Basin. On the other hand, the strikers seized 500 numbers of “Paris-Match” which they burned on the Place Decazes, accusing this newspaper of showing playful minors and of having turned their movement into derision. We even see American and Russian journalists arriving! The local press also broadcast the donations that were paid, the encouragement and the messages of support that emanated from everywhere.

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