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4,500-year-old alleys with ancient tombs found in Saudi Arabia

It is believed that the tombs were built as memorials or for other as yet obscure symbolic or ritual purposes.

In Saudi Arabia, archaeologists from the University of Western Australia have unearthed a 4,500-year-old network of “burial alleys,” indicating a high degree of social and economic bonding between the population of the region in the 3rd millennium BC. Daily Mail.

A new study by scientists has shown that people who lived in ancient northwestern Arabia built the main paths between oases and pastures and surrounded them with thousands of funerary monuments.

Close-up of one of the hanging tombs located next to the burial alley

In the districts of Alula and Khaybar, researchers have recorded more than 17,800 “suspended” tombs, of which about 11,000 were part of “burial alleys”. Experts say they are small heaps of stones arranged in intricate shapes that mark the burial site of individuals or small groups.

The burials are described as “hanging” because they resemble pendants or pendants on chains. It is believed that the tombs were built as memorials or for other as yet obscure symbolic or ritual purposes.

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A pile of stones arranged in intricate shapes marking the burial site of individuals or small groups

The desert regions of the Arabian Peninsula and the Levant are known to be traversed by countless paths surrounded by stone monuments, most of which are ancient tombs. Thousands of kilometers of these paths and monuments, collectively known as “burial alleys”, can be traced throughout the landscape, especially around and between large perennial water sources.

Their existence shows that the populations that lived on the Arabian Peninsula 4,500 years ago were more socially and economically connected to each other than previously thought.

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“Burial alleys” can be traced throughout the landscape, especially around and between large perennial water sources.

The researchers found that the highest concentration of funerary monuments in these alleys was located near permanent water sources. The direction of the alleys indicates that the population used them to move between large oases.

The shallower alleys surrounding the oases were used to move herds of domestic animals to nearby pastures during rainy periods.

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Part of the burial alley, surrounded by “suspended” stone tombs

According to the researchers, continued excavation and analysis of human remains at these sites will be important in the future.

But in Peru, archaeologists stumbled upon the skull of a Peruvian warrior, who underwent the world’s oldest operation. The man suffered in battle and was badly wounded. In order to heal the fracture, he was implanted with a metal plate, which helped the bones grow together.

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