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There are white spots on the tongue, watch out for Covid-19 symptoms

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – When looking at white spots on tongue, most likely it is thrush. Kailesh Solanki, dentist for Dentalphobia UK, said the white patches could also be a symptom of Covid-19. Other triggers may include smoking, antibiotics, diabetes, or anemia.


“Oral thrush terjadi ketika sistem kekebalan tubuh rendah dan dapat mengkhawatirkan karena kadang-kadang melibatkan hilangnya rasa, bersama dengan bibir pecah-pecah dan mulut kering. Biasanya tidak serius dan dapat dibersihkan dengan cukup cepat dengan menggores lidah saat menyikat gigi," ujarnya, dilansir dari Express.

Bercak putih itu biasanya dipicu oleh virus atau sistem kekebalan yang rendah, luka diobati dengan gel khusus atau larutan susu magnesium. Penyebab yang jauh lebih jarang adalah leukoplakia, ditandai dengan bercak putih atau abu-abu tebal di pipi, gusi, dan bagian bawah mulut serta di lidah.


Solanki menjelaskan penderita cenderung menjadi pengguna tembakau dan diperkirakan setelah tertular virus akan menetap dengan sesekali kambuh sepanjang hidup.

“A break from smoking and drinking will usually help clear up an episode of leukoplakia,” he explains.

According to Amanda Shayle, developer of JA Self Care by Puriskin, white spots can be classified in three ways.

Topography is the swollen taste buds / papillae. This can mean hormonal imbalance, with pale or transparent meaning deficiency, and red meaning heat/inflammation, says Shayle. He adds, “Or if the tongue hairs have elongated and may have clumped together, this could mean an excess of some kind in the area, the fur looks like a flame or when combined with stagnant conditions it is thought to be a form of dampness causing stagnation of the area or organ.”

Is there a mush-like area but only on one part of the tongue? White spots/spots or large areas are always considered a moist condition and are called candida or sprue. Shayle said, “This could be the result of illness and the use of antibiotics. Mold growth is considered damp, which is a sign of a weakened immune system and failure of normal levels of healthy bacteria, for example in the gut. If it is on the top of the tongue this could indicate bronchitis or another phlegm condition.

A large white patch area behind the tongue can indicate moisture in the intestines and if it is slightly yellow, constipation. Tongue with white or slightly yellow patches and other areas where the tongue hairs have peeled. This will indicate a more chronic heat condition and/or digestive system weakness and possibly other health problems as well.

Are these white spots/areas really white or slightly yellow? White represents excess cold, yellow represents excess heat, says Shayle. The state of oral health says a lot more about broader health than one might think, says Sarah Ramage, Clinical Director, Bupa Dental Care.

“The relationship between the tongue and oral/general health is very closely related. Dentists can often tell patients about a potential problem before they have time to talk to their doctor.”

Ramage says white or red patches on the tongue could be a sign of oral cancer. “Oral cancer rates have increased by nearly 60 percent in the last decade, so it’s important to know what a healthy tongue looks like and be alert for any changes. A healthy tongue is pink with a slightly rough surface.

“The dentist will look for signs of oral cancer during routine checkups. White, pale, or red patches, or spots or bumps on the tongue can be signs of oral cancer. If the dentist sees this, they will ask some questions about symptoms and medical history and then if there is any concern they will refer to a general practitioner or an oral cancer specialist,” he explained.

Also read: Dangers of Tongue Piercing for Health

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