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9 Foods Named To Reduce Blood Sugar

Named products that can lower blood sugar. The top ten includes: fish, eggs, garlic, onions, leafy greens, avocados, cherries, almonds, whole grains, coffee.

According to ToDay News Ufa, citing the publication Health and Human, all of these products can effectively affect the composition of the blood. Thus, not only medicines, but also an appropriate diet can reduce high sugar.

Fish is a supplier to the body of protein, which is absorbed much better than meat. In addition, it contains fatty acids, which in turn contribute to the formation of the hormone adiponectin. This element increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin and reduces the risks of development. The first five include halibut, mackerel, tuna, salmon, and trout. Eggs are also an excellent source of protein with an almost zero glycemic index.

Garlic and onions are free of carbohydrates that increase glucose. Leafy greens – salads, spinach, kale, chard and even turnip greens are filled with fiber and trace elements. Among the latter are magnesium and vitamin A, active opponents of sugar.

Avocados and cherries are also products with a low glycemic index. Avocados contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids that improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin. There is anthocyanin in cherries, which prevents the development of diabetes and obesity.

And almonds boast a low glycemic index, as well as the ability to limit glucose surges after eating. Whole grains help ensure a stable sugar content. In the first rows of grains – oats, barley, quinoa. Effectively helps lower blood sugar in coffee without sugar and cream, it reduces the risk of diabetes

Previously reported: these signs help determine high blood sugar.

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