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“8 Essential Habits for Maintaining Good Health”

Having good health is not only the absence of conditions or diseases. Health is understood as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being; and to take care of it, it is necessary to implement habits that accompany it.

There are certain actions that can be carried out. Some of them are:

1) Develop and practice good hygiene habits. Hand washing is one of the main tools, since they are our main contact instrument, being a very important source of contamination, especially around the nails, where germs accumulate. Therefore, it is essential to wash them frequently with soap and water.
2) Be vigilant and comply with the mandatory vaccination schedule. Vaccination helps prevent the spread of disease. In addition, for the elderly, pregnant women, people with risk factors, girls and boys from 6 to 24 months, and in general for the entire population, the application of the 2023 strain flu vaccine is also recommended, which is compatible with all other vaccines, including Covid-19.
3) Carry out a medical examination at least once a year. Regular tests are the best way to prevent diseases because they allow you to detect the first symptoms of a disease or illness.

4) Sleep, eat, stay hydrated, protect yourself from the sun. Healthy habits are all those that people do every day. A good diet consists of eating 4 meals a day and 2 snacks, one at mid-morning and the other in the afternoon. It provides all the essential nutrients and energy that each person needs to stay healthy. You should also drink approximately 2 liters of water per day and avoid excessive alcohol, tobacco and drug use.

5) Exercise. Performing physical activity for at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week and trying to sleep at least 8 hours a day are part of some of the actions that are recommended to maintain good health.

Exercise reduces the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases, since it reduces mortality from ischemic heart disease, improves blood pressure values ​​in hypertensive patients, improves the lipid profile -reducing triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol-, helps to control weight, favors the reduction of body fat -improving joint resistance and muscle strength-; and strengthens the bones that see their density increased, thus reducing osteoporosis in adulthood.

6) Dedicate time to enjoyment and leisure. It is important to carry out activities that are fun, share pleasant moments in the company of family and friends. This will guarantee good mental health and decrease the stress that causes various diseases.

7) Take care of oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth after every meal helps prevent cavities and other dental problems.

8) Maintain a proper cleaning of the home, especially in places where microbes can inhabit.

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