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600 travelers completed the fortnight in accommodation centers

More than 1,300 people arrived, nearly 600 chose the collective fortnight in a containment center. They are welcomed in the Batelière hotels in Schoelcher, Squash Hôtel in Fort de France and Bakoua in Les Trois îlets. Overall, the results of the fortnight in a shelter are quite good. At the start there were some recalcitrants, people who wanted to run away from the centers. But today, since the reduction of this measure, which is done by choice (at home or in a center), confined people are more understanding.

Regarding the movement between the two islands, Martinique, Guadeloupe, travelers are always subject to the fortnight. Starting next week, the two prefects will work to make the traffic systems between the two territories more flexible. They will take into account the need of other airlines to resume their activity. Because since mid-March only Air France has provided the shuttle between Martinique and Guadeloupe.

Psychological support available

The reception centers are run by civil protection volunteers. At the Squash hotel there are 10 of them and they too are required to stay in the fortnight at the same rate as the confined travelers. Their mission is multiple, human accompaniment but also psychological support towards confined people.

“We practice helping and psychological listening with trained staff who can detect any problem. If the cases are serious, we will call on the medico-psychological emergency unit (CUMP). We have a lot of people who come for deaths and it is not obvious because they come in specific conditions and they are forced to stay in their fortnight until the test is negative before going to the funeral where to see their family ”, explains Line Rose Arouvel, president of civil protection of Martinique.

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