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6 tips for entrepreneurs to start and grow a business

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Anaida Deti, founder and CEO of DentalX, a Canadian dental practice, immigrated to Canada from Albania with only a few hundred dollars and a very big dream. Thanks to her hard work, dedication, determination and the support of her family, she was able to start her business. Here are his six tips to help entrepreneurs start and grow a business.

Don’t let circumstances define you

When Anaida Deti moved to Canada, she had to start all over again. Her college credits were not transferred, she barely spoke English and the only other person she knew in Canada was her husband, also an immigrant. None of this stopped her from pursuing her dream, in fact, it even fueled her desire.

You have the power to shape your future. It doesn’t matter where you are now, all that matters is what you do to get to where you want to be. Don’t fall into the trap of telling yourself “if only I had X, I could do Y…”. Go outside and find a way to do X, rather than waiting for it to fall on you.

Use the resources you have

When starting a business, you have to run things on a limited budget and resources, which often means you have to do a lot of the work on your own. You will likely have to spend long hours at the start, but that time investment will pay off in the long run, when you are able to grow the business. Starting a business is a challenge, but there are many valuable lessons that can be learned.

However, there are often more resources available than at first glance. Look for government assistance programs, grants, scholarships, or funding sources. There are many programs that support women and minorities, so it is worth researching the options available. There are ways to find free business training and mentoring programs that are worth exploring as an entrepreneur.

Show courage

When you have a goal and it’s something that you’re really passionate about, you’re going to find a way to achieve it. This unwavering determination is the guts – and it’s the secret to entrepreneurial success. She advises people to “work hard every day, set goals and find ways to achieve them.” We have to stay determined ”. Guts can be described in many ways, from stubbornness to passion. Like passion, everyone’s grit is different, but the common theme is the will and determination to make your goals a reality.

Don’t be afraid to take risks

The key to being successful as an entrepreneur is wanting to take risks, to go out there and see what happens, and then learn from it. It is better to try and fail than not to try at all. “For me, it’s better to do something and maybe fail, than not to do it and regret it all your life. “

Make mistakes

“I don’t mind making a few mistakes here and there,” says Anaida Deti. “You learn from your mistakes, so if you don’t make them, you don’t learn. Mistakes are very much a part of business, and there is no shame in making them. Everyone is always quick to talk about their successes, but what people don’t share are the many times they’ve failed and made mistakes on the way to getting there. When you view mistakes as learning opportunities, you can accept them and not fear them.

Seek support

Having support is essential for starting a business. Those who will support you will grow with you as you build and grow your business, but in the beginning, it is often just one key person. You need someone to support you, to have your back, and to support you through thick and thin. This person can be a family member or a friend. Anaida Deti attributes her success to the support of her mother, who helped her care for the children and run the house while she started her business. “It is very important to have this support, even if it is very weak, even if it is just your family,” she says.

Article translated from Forbes US – Author: Ashira Prossack

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