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6 Benefits of Influenza Vaccination During a Pandemic, Can Save Children’s Lives


COVID-19 Vaccination already started in Indonesia. Vaccination is done to protect the body from the dangers of COVID-19, Mother.

COVID-19 is a disease in the respiratory tract whose symptoms are similar to influenza. The symptom difference is the appearance of anosmia or loss of sense of smell and taste which is only experienced by patients exposed to COVID-19.

Do you know Mother? A person who is exposed to COVID-19 can also get influenza. This condition is also known as co-infection or co-infection.

A person who is co-infected, may become seriously ill. This severity can lead to longer hospitalization times and increase the burden on health services

Foto: HaiBunda / Mia-

“Co-infections are people who are exposed to Covid and influenza at the same time. According to the literature, Covid becomes severe clinical symptoms, if there is influenza, especially if the patient has a chronic disease,” said the Head of the Adult Immunization Task Force of the Indonesian Association of Internal Medicine Specialists (PAPDI), Prof. DR. Dr. Samsuridjal Djauzi, SpPD, K-AI, in Media Briefing World Flu Day via Zoom, Friday (11/19/21).

On the same occasion, Prof. DR. Dr. Cissy B Kartasasmita, SpA(K) as Chair of the Indonesia Influenza Foundation (IIF) explained that vaccination influenza be the most effective way to protect yourself from these two diseases, Mother.

“There are research results that say that people who are severely affected by Covid, on average, do not get the influenza vaccination,” said Cissy.

Influenza Vaccination It is not only important for children under 5 years old who belong to vulnerable groups. This vaccination is also beneficial for adults, especially pregnant women, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, and health workers.

Then what are the benefits of influenza vaccination during a pandemic? Read the next page, yes, Mother.

See also the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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