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5 ways to lower your risk of cancer

The most frequently diagnosed cancers in Spain in 2021 will be colon and rectum (43,581 new cases), prostate (35,764), breast (33,375), lung (29,549) and urinary bladder (20,613), according to the Report Cancer figures in Spain from Spanish Society of Medical Oncology.

In recent decades, the absolute number of cancers diagnosed in Spain has increased due to the population increase, aging population, exposure to risk factors and, in some types of cancer such as colorectal, and those of the breast, cervix or prostate, the increase in early detection.

According to data published by the WHO in its World Cancer Report 2014, around 1/3 of cancer deaths are due to the five most important preventable factors, including tobacco (responsible for up to 33% of tumors globally, and up to 22% of cancer deaths), infections, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle and improper diets (insufficient amount of fruit and vegetables).

In this sense, the Foundation Cris against cancer count on him Oncosaludométro, a tool to assess whether a person complies with five keys in the lifestyle that must be taken into account for the prevention of the disease: weight, tobacco, alcohol, active life and diet.

5 keys to cancer prevention

1-Move: A study from the National Cancer Institute of the United Kingdom https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/increased-physical-activity-associated-lower-risk-13-types-cancer physical activity significantly reduces the risk of many different types of cancer. In addition, regular exercise helps us maintain a healthy weight, which will also reduce risk. For it, we must do 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity activity through activities like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Ideally we will include more vigorous exercises, such as strength training.

2-Follow a healthy diet: The best way to reduce the risk of colon cancer is by eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. This is because the skin of fruits and vegetables, fiber provides the necessary protection for the intestine to function properly. A high intake of red or processed meat also increases the risk of cancer, so it is best to limit yourself to small amounts.

3-Watch your weight: The Body Mass Index (BMI) can give us a rough indication of whether or not we need to lose weight. Usually, a BMI of 18.5-25 is considered healthy, while a BMI of more than 25 falls into the category of overweight.

4-Do not drink alcohol: It is estimated that alcohol is responsible for more than 3 million deaths annually, calculating that, in Europe, about 180,000 cases of cancer and about 92,000 cancer deaths were due to alcohol in 2018. Alcohol is related to the development of oral carcinomas, oropharynx, esophagus, liver, larynx and colorectal in both sexes and breast in women, although the magnitude of its effect on mortality varies according to tumor subtypes, being higher in oral carcinomas and oropharynx and esophagus

5-Stop smoking: Smoking tobacco products (including cigarettes and cigars) is the cause of almost nine out of ten cases of lung cancer, but smoking can cause cancer in almost any part of the body, including the following: Bladder, acute myeloid leukemia , cervix, colon and rectum, esophagus, kidney and renal pelvis, liver, lungs, bronchi and trachea, mouth and throat, pancreas, stomach, and larynx. Tobacco smoke contains at least 70 chemicals that cause cancer, known as carcinogens.

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