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5 Causes of Hair Loss in Children

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Causes of hair loss child different from that in adults. Under normal conditions, children who are in their infancy will rarely experience hair loss.

If your child is experiencing hair loss, find out the cause immediately so that the condition does not get worse. In addition, hair loss in children can also affect the child’s self-image and mental condition.

The following are the causes of hair loss in children:

1. Ringworm

Quoted from Medical News Today, ringworm is a contagious fungal infection of the skin. Ringworm causes a red, ring-like rash. Children are prone to ringworm. This infection can occur on the scalp and cause hair loss in children.

Ringworm can be treated with antifungal creams. Check your child’s scalp and hair and consult a doctor to get the right medicine.

2. Immune system

The next cause of hair loss in children is alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is hair loss that occurs when the immune system attacks the hair follicles.

This condition causes total baldness or very thin hair. Some children also experience loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. A number of treatments can help relieve the symptoms of alopecia areata.

3. Tied too tightly

Braids or ponytails that are very strong for a long time can also cause hair loss in children. This condition is known as traction alopecia, where hair loss occurs when the scalp is subjected to long-term tension or pulling.

Hair loss usually improves once the hair is no longer tied.

4. Trauma

Physical trauma can also cause hair loss in children. This condition is known as telogen effluvium. Causes of trauma include physical injury, fever or infection, and emotional stress.

5. Lack of nutrition

Malnutrition can also cause hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to lack of biotin or vitamin B complex and zinc.

Therefore, make sure you eat a nutritionally balanced diet. Also consult a doctor if you need additional supplements.

That is the cause of hair loss in children. Always check the condition of the child’s body every day and check with the doctor if there are changes such as excessive hair loss.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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