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5 Benefits of Vitamin D3 for Health

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Vitamin D has an important role for immunity. Vitamin D includes vitamins D1, D2, and D3. Here are the benefits of vitamin D3.

As it circulates through your bloodstream, vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which help keep your bones strong.

It is also involved in a healthy immune system, and is beneficial for mood, heart health, and even weight loss.

You can get vitamin D from food and supplements, and your skin produces D3 when exposed to sunlight.

There are various benefits of vitamin D3 for health, including to help strengthen bones and muscles, increase immunity, improve mood, aid weight loss, and improve heart function.

Here are some of the benefits of vitamin D3 for health.

1. Bone health

As reported Very Well HealthVitamin D is known to help muscles and bones. While vitamin D3 helps increase calcium absorption in the small intestine.

If your body doesn’t have enough of this vitamin to absorb calcium, it will pull the calcium out of your bones. This can make bones weak, leading to fractures and osteoporosis.

Research shows that vitamin D can help reduce fractures and increase muscle strength.

2. Endurance

Research have shown that vitamin D can help protect against acute respiratory infections and pneumonia.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, some preliminary evidence emerged suggesting that vitamin D deficiency may increase the risk of infection and severe illness.

However, further research is needed to confirm the role of vitamin D including D3 in fighting the corona virus.

3. Reduce depression

As reported Healthline, studies have shown that vitamin D may play an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression.

In one Education, scientists found that people with depression who received vitamin D supplements saw an improvement in their symptoms.

In research In another study of people with fibromyalgia, researchers found vitamin D deficiency was more common in those who also experienced anxiety and depression.

4. Help lose weight

In one study, post-menopausal women were given a vitamin D3 supplement (compared to a placebo) for a weight loss intervention.

The results showed that women who had adequate levels of vitamin D3 lost more body fat, experienced a greater reduction in waist circumference, and lost more weight.

However, for the most part research have concluded that vitamin D does not promote weight loss.

5. Heart health

Education have found that individuals with obesity and high blood pressure tend to have lower levels of vitamin D.

Some research suggests that vitamins can help lower blood pressure.

Several studies have shown that people with higher levels of vitamin D have a higher risk of stroke and heart attack, but clinical trials have not shown that vitamin D supplements reduce these risks.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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