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5 Benefits of Sunbathing in the Morning to Help Fight COVID-19


Benefits of sunbathing in the morning one of which helps increase immunity to fight viruses and bacteria that cause disease. During the Corona virus pandemic, health experts also recommend sunbathing in the morning regularly.

There are several reasons why sunbathing in the morning can help boost immunity to fight the Corona virus and speed up healing of COVID-19. These are the benefits of sunbathing in the morning that you need to know.

1. Prevent Hypertension

According to a study conducted by researchers from the University of Edinburgh, a compound called nitric oxide is released into the blood vessels as soon as sunlight hits the skin. These compounds can serve to help lower blood pressure.

Furthermore, Richard Weller, a senior lecturer in dermatology also found that the benefits of sunbathing in the morning can prolong life. Because in addition to lowering blood pressure also reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Strengthens Bones

Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus which can strengthen bones. But not only that, vitamin D3 also turns out to have an important role for bone density. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is formed during the process of making vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin. It can regulate calcium absorption.

If you have a higher vitamin D3 content in your blood, you are less likely to suffer a fracture. That’s why sunbathing in the morning is very important for bone health in adults to the elderly.

3. Boosts Immune

Benefits of sunbathing in the morning The next step is to increase immunity or the immune system. Because white blood cells will increase when exposed to sunlight and these cells help fight disease and prevent infection in the body.

4. Reduces Cancer Risk

Vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of cancers, such as breast and colon cancer. But by sunbathing in the morning, the risk of cancer can be lower. Drs. Frank and Cedric Garland of the University of California observed that colon cancer patients in New York were three times higher than in Mexico. In addition, vitamin D supplementation has been shown to reduce the risk of developing any form of cancer by up to 60%.

5. Makes Sleep More Restful

When sunlight hits the eyes, a message is sent to the pineal gland in the brain and the production of melatonin (a hormone that makes us sleepy and helps us sleep) shuts down until the sun goes down again. Sunlight will give the body a clear picture that it is not night, so it will help maintain a normal circadian rhythm. When it is getting dark outside, the body will get a clear picture so that you feel tired and sleepy before bedtime.

Benefits of sunbathing in the morning more optimal and safer if done at these times:

What time is the best time to bask in the sun? Nutritionist Dr Tan Shot Yen said 10:00 am is the best time because there is already ultraviolet B light.

“What we really need is ultraviolet B. Ultraviolet B has a shorter wavelength. That’s why, we have to wait for the sun to rise a little. So, fortunately we are at the equator, at 10 am already there. That is the reason we dry it at 10:00,” he said, like reported by detikHealth.

But if 10:00 is too late and the sun is already hot enough, you can try to sunbathe earlier, but still in the same time frame. A scientist who has studied vitamin D, Prof dr Siti Setiati, SpPD, KGER, MEpid, said that the benefits of sunbathing in the morning are more effective if done not too early. More precisely, above 09.00.


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