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4 new confirmed cases, or 56 people with the virus

This Saturday, March 21, at noon, Guadeloupe now totals 56 cases.

The ARS and the Prefecture have identified 4 new cases as well as a patient repatriated this Friday, March 20, from Saint-Martin to our department.

The increase in cases continues with us. Even if it seems to be slowing down, the number of infected in Guadeloupe went from 51 to 56 cases, this Saturday, March 21, confirmed cumulative of COVID-19.
And there are more and more hospitalized patients. They are now 14 patients at the CHU: 9 in the service of infectious and tropical diseases and 5 patients in intensive care. Note that an additional patient arrived from Saint Martin.

First results of the containment measures

According to the authorities, this limitation in the progression of the number of cases in recent hours seems to be a consequence of the containment measures recommended for the whole population and particularly for contact cases.
The coming days, days, weeks will confirm or refute these initial findings.
The Prefecture and the ARS recommend that the “awareness must not relax, it must, on the contrary, be reinforced. The next ten days will be decisive for the extent of the
spread of the epidemic

The recommendations remain the same: Stay at home, drastically limit your trips, respect the barrier measures.

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