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$ 250,000 donated to the Trois-Rivières Regional Health Foundation (RSTR)

The Trois-Rivières Regional Health Foundation (RSTR) announced a donation of $ 250,000 from the National Bank as part of the major fundraising campaign “CHEZ NOUS”. The latter will be used to finance research projects carried out within the facilities of the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center (CIUSSS) of Mauricie / Center-du-Québec (MCQ).

This was the first call for projects launched by the RSTR Foundation, in collaboration with the CIUSSS MCQ.

“It is natural for us to support the Foundation in the achievement of its mission since our raison d’être is to have a positive impact in the lives of people and in our communities. We are proud to support research projects adapted to the realities of the region and to contribute to innovation in the Mauricie ”, confided Mathieu Maltais, Director of Financial Planners at the National Bank.

It should be remembered that a fund, specially dedicated to research and whose objective is to support the Center hospitalier affilié universitaire régionale (CHAUR) of the CIUSSS MCQ in its university mission, was created this year. The Fund also supports CHAUR as a vehicle for research activities that can be deployed through the integrated network of ambulatory care and local services in the Trois-Rivières region.

“This donation comes at a most opportune time for us and is intended to be a major lever for our researchers. We have three affiliations with the universities of Montreal, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières and I hope that with these partnerships, our CIUSSS will be recognized as a leader in Quebec, but also outside Quebec ”, testified Carol Fillion, president. Director General at the CIUSSS MCQ.

“This is timely for our establishment as a cross-cutting research program at the CIUSSS is being formalized, which is focused on prevention and health promotion. The nature and purpose of the Fund contribute to updating our vision of making a difference, with you, for your well-being. ”

This collaboration, supported by the National Bank, will allow many seasoned researchers to put forward their expertise and their advances in order to innovate and have a positive impact on the health of people back home.

“This first call for projects within the framework of the major donation from the National Bank is a privileged opportunity to support the integration of research at the heart of the care and service activities of our CIUSSS and to enhance its university mission, launched Renée Proulx, administrative director of university education, research and innovation at the CIUSSS MCQ. ”

“Our organization’s research partnership with the RSTR Foundation is a rich experience in combining our expertise with a common goal of improving the health and well-being of the population. It is a real pleasure to already consider a second call for projects together, ”she concludes.

Funded research projects

  1. Study of clinical and organizational quality indicators for optimal management of stroke in Mauricie and Center-du-Québec. Under the supervision of Amélie Bélanger inf MSc, CIUSSS MCQ, nursing advisor, general care, critical care / UQTR, doctoral student in biomedical sciences, the objective is to identify clinical and organizational quality indicators for optimal management across the stroke continuum.

2. Feasibility and acceptability study of a non-weight-bearing physical activity program in diabetic people with plantar ulceration. Led by Magali Brousseau-Foley, MD, MSc, PhD (c), CIUSSS MCQ, general practitioner at CHAUR and GMF-U / UQTR, professor in the Department of Human Kinetics, the objective is to assess acceptability and the feasibility of a non-weight-bearing physical activity (PA) program specifically for people with diabetes with active PDU.

  1. For our mental health and psychological well-being in a pandemic period: Accentuate the impact of the online activities of the Health and Recovery Learning Center at the CIUSSS MCQé. Led by Catherine Briand, erg, Ph.D, UQTR, Professor in the occupational therapy department, researcher at CRIUSMM, CRIUMM, the objective is to support the emergence of innovative research projects and improve the quality of care and services provided to users by the CIUSSS MCQ.
  1. The care provided and the quality of life of patients with diabetic plantar ulcer at the Trois-Rivières Regional Affiliated University Hospital Center before the implementation of an interdisciplinary clinical decision support tool for the management of this problem . Under the supervision of Virginie Blanchette, DPM, MSc, PhD, UQTR, professor in the department of physical activity sciences and podiatrist, the objective is to evaluate clinical indicators relating to the health of patients, to evaluate the trajectory of care and determine the quality of life of patients living with an active PDU.

5. Impact of the use of educational videos on the experience and level of understanding of users receiving chemotherapy and / or immunotherapy intervention. Led by Julie Laroche, deputy head of the pharmacy department, CIUSSS MCQ, the objective is to assess the impact of the implementation of educational videos on the organization of the work of pharmacists, to assess the level of understanding of users in link with the information conveyed by the educational videos and the application of his knowledge on the management of adverse reactions.

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