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10-month-old baby involved in Guantánamo accident will be hospitalized for several days

Aimara Rodríguez Heredia, the 10-month-old baby who lost her parents during a massive traffic accident in Guantánamoremains in critical condition, and must remain in the hospital for several more days.

This was confirmed to the official media we will win by the director of the ‘Pedro Agustín Pérez’ Pediatric Hospital, Dr. Francisco Marsillí Faure.

According to the expert, the minor remains in the intensive care room, and her condition is considered “very serious.”

The minor presented a picture of bronchospasm this Wednesday, from which she managed to recover, however, she remains sedated and with mechanically assisted ventilation.

The specialist points out that the damage suffered by the minor during the accident that occurred this Monday was extensive, so it is estimated that her stay in the hospital will be prolonged.

The director of the medical institution points out that the damage was concentrated in the brain, and that the operation she underwent on the same Monday was complex, lasting more than three hours.

This procedure included a craniotomy, removal of depressed bone, and dural cleaning and repair.

Taking into account the severity of the damage and the complexity of the affected area, the rest will depend on how the baby reacts.

Marsillí Faure explained that the minor is under constant cardiorespiratory monitoring, and is subjected to additional examinations and reviews carried out by a team made up of a maxillofacial surgeon, a neurosurgeon and various specialists.

It is important to remember that the baby underwent surgery to correct a depressed skull fracture in the right temporoparietal region, which presented brain mass exposure. In turn, a fracture that the little girl presented in the jaw was treated.

The official note indicates that, although the necessary medicine to keep the minor sedated has been guaranteed, donations made by the people will not be rejected.

“If, in any case, people want to provide some medicine for her, of course we are willing to accept it,” said the director of the institution, making it clear that the shortage of medicines continues in the island’s hospitals.

The youngest is the twin sister of Annara Rodríguez Heredia, another baby who was involved in the accident, however, she was discharged the next day.

Four people lost their lives in the incident, two of whom were the parents of the twins, and were later identified as Yesenia Heredia Sánchez, 25, and Uberlandis Rodríguez Rodríguez, 30.

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