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University of Buenos Aires Students Win “Outstanding Delegation” Award at United Nations Model Competition

A team of four students from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) was chosen as one of the “Outstanding Delegations” of the National Model United Nations (NMUN), a United Nations (UN) simulation competition, at an event in which more than 200 world universities participated.

The UBA Law School students received the most important award that the participating teams can obtain in the competition associated with the Department of Global Communication of the United Nations, which has been held since 1927.

The negotiations were carried out entirely in English and the UBA team also obtained two other awards for documents written and delivered prior to the simulation, the house of higher studies reported in a statement.

The team had to represent the Peruvian delegation in four United Nations committees: Commission I and II of the General Assembly, in the plenary session of the Economic and Social Council, and in the Commission for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Both in Commission I of the General Assembly and in the Commission for the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice, the group from the University of Buenos Aires won the prizes for “Outstanding Position Documents”.

The Argentine team, which was accompanied by coach Juan Francisco Petrillo, was made up of Juan Martin Durisotti, Luciana Rubacha, Felix Samoilovich and Martina Nasanovsky.

“The possibility of working for a week with students from all over the world was extremely enriching,” said Durisotti.

Nasanovsky highlighted that “winning the ‘Outstanding Delegation’ prize, being a foreign delegation, of only 4 people, participating one by one in each committee while the others went in pairs, speaking in a language that is not ours and negotiating with delegates It wasn’t his first conference, it was a huge challenge, but the experience was worth it.”

“This challenge tested me both academically and personally, it allowed me to grow, learn and put into practice all my knowledge acquired during the months of preparation in Buenos Aires,” Rubacha said in a statement published by the UBA.

Samoilovich emphasized the importance of this type of United Nations simulations in the training of future professionals: “Sometimes, it seems contradictory to think of Law outside of litigation. However, these experiences make it possible to see that, hand in hand with diplomacy and other disciplines, Law can have a logic of cooperation and joint work”, he assured.

Finally, Juan Francisco Petrillo, the coach of the representative team of the UBA, remarked that “although it may seem that a first participation implies that success can be achieved quickly, it should not be confused. What the UBA brings to Argentina today is the result of of years of work”.

“The four students had to spend long months studying the issues of each committee, meeting with career Argentine and Peruvian diplomats, spending weekends talking with academics, and even taking classes in verbal and non-verbal expression, theater, and English, which the Faculty makes available to all international competitions in which a delegation participates. The results obtained are the result of the collective effort of many people, including our families, during these days, months and years, and we want to thank all of them especially” , he claimed.

Some of the most prestigious universities that also participated in this simulation are: Université Panthéon Assas, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Monash University, Brigham Young University, California Lutheran University, Syracuse University Maxwell School, University of California, Riverside, Université de Sherbrooke Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, KEDGE Business School, University of Giessen, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, West Virginia University, Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft, University of Arkansas, Georgia State University and Texas Christian University. (Telam)

2023-05-11 18:48:55

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