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10 minutes of exercise to work the core without machines

If you have given exercise, every second you may be thinking about how to improve, how to use the door frame, the chairs, and even the table to do pull-ups. If you are on a streak, because you grow up now that you see consistency in your sports routines, we bring you a 10-minute one that is really effective.

It is a 10 minute routine to have heart-stopping abs and they will make you work the core and mold your entire figure. You can, of course, opt to do sit-ups in a classic exercise, yes; but, you can also choose to do this 10-minute exercise routine without machines at home. Effective and fast.

The iron is one of the star exercises. Not only do you work your arms, back, legs, buttocks, while your abdomen burns, it is that the entire central part of your body will be burning while you resist. There are many variations, but start by holding a minute, rest 15 seconds; another minute, rest. It is a good start. If, in addition, each day you increase the resistance time, you will be managing to strengthen your entire body.

The side plates They can be deadly, but your obliques will be rewarded. Come on, you might even see them. And, with them, a significant decrease in waist. The advantage of this iron is that you strengthen the arms, and raise the hip, allowing you to enhance balance. Hold ten lifts per arm, resting between them for a few seconds. If you can do two or three series, great.

The row. A simple, basic exercise that will destroy you. Start small. It will allow you to enhance balance, back, and resistance brutally throughout the abdominal part. A marvel of exercise to repeat as many times as you can. Ideally, 20 reps, resting 30 seconds. And again.

If you have a certain physical shape, it is time to get on with it Jack-Knife Crunch. Lying on the floor, you raise your legs at a right angle, you raise your trunk and touch your feet with your hands. You stretch again, and up again. Bullfighter. Do as many as you can for 20 seconds.

Of course, before each routine you should warm up. Something that you can also repeat at the end of your training, in fact it is very positive not to end up drastically dusty. So for 3 minutes you must exercise each muscle to avoid injury, with series of 20 seconds. We move our arms back and forth with our elbows raised, squeezing as if you were doing push-ups in the air. Then exercise your shoulders, rotating back and forth.

It is important that you make smooth trunk rotations, raising one knee alternately and crossing the arms. Right knee to left elbow, and the opposite, left knee to right elbow. For warm the hip and waist it will be enough to make wide circles to one side and to the other. In the same way, do not forget to perform wrist and ankle rotations. A little running on the spot, rather a jog, will be the last step before we get to work our bodies.

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