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10 Benefits of Starfruit for Breastfeeding Mothers, Mothers Need to Know


Star fruit has good nutritional content for breastfeeding mothers. This yellow fruit can also be an alternative healthy snack, you know.

In the table of balanced nutritional values ​​from the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), star fruit is included in the table of types of fruit in the balanced diet guide. According to the fruit table, one serving of star fruit contains 80 calories.

The shape and type of starfruit is quite diverse. In Indonesia, we know two types of star fruit, namely star fruit and small star fruit.

Large starfruit can usually be consumed immediately when it is ripe or turns yellow. While starfruit is more often used for cooking spices because of its sour taste, even though it is ripe.

Star fruit nutrition

The benefits of star fruit lie in its nutritional content. This fruit contains vitamins A, C and E which are beneficial for health during pregnancy.

In addition, this greenish yellow fruit also contains various minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, and phosphorus. The main content in this fruit that is quite exposed is fiber.

Quoted from Medical News Today, star fruit also contains soluble and insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble fiber in water will form a gel-like substance. While insoluble fiber will create large lumps that help food pass through the digestive tract easily.

Starfruit Illustration/ Photo: iStock-

Star fruit for breastfeeding mothers

So far, there have not been many studies that explain the bad effects of star fruit for breastfeeding mothers. That is, this fruit is safe to eat as long as you love your little one.

Even so, this mother can cause effects on health when consumed raw. Raw star fruit contains high levels of oxalate, which can cause stomach pain or vomiting.

Mothers who have kidney problems also need to limit their intake of star fruit. In some people, star fruit can cause neurological complications and worsen kidney problems.

“For some people with chronic kidney disease, eating star fruit can be very dangerous and possibly fatal. Anyone with kidney problems should consult a doctor before eating this fruit,” says dietitian Amy Richter, RD.

Breast-feedBreastfeeding Illustration/ Photo: iStock-

The benefits of star fruit for breastfeeding mothers

Well, here are 7 benefits of star fruit for breastfeeding mothers, as reported from various sources:

1. Overcoming problems in the digestive tract

Star fruit is believed to be able to cure some problems in the digestive tract effectively, Mother. Consumption of this fruit can help treat diarrhea, stomach disorders, and constipation.

2. Smooth urination (BAK)

Frequent urination (BAK) often occurs after the mother gives birth. Of course, this can interfere with the breastfeeding process.

Mothers can eat star fruit to launch a bowel movement because this fruit contains water which has a diuretic effect. Since ancient times, this fruit is believed to be able to launch BAK and prevent urinary tract infections (UTI), Mother.

3. Overcoming stress

Stress can be experienced by new mothers who are taking care of children for the first time. To overcome this, Mother can eat star fruit as a breastfeeding snack. Star fruit can help regulate hormones that cause stress.

4. Maintain endurance

Star fruit contains vitamin C which can keep the mother’s immune system from getting sick easily while breastfeeding. Vitamin C works to ensure a sufficient level of white blood cells for the immune system.

The high vitamin C content in this fruit can also provide adequate intake of antioxidants, Mother. Antioxidants are not only immune boosters, but are also effective at inhibiting oxidation and protecting the body from free radicals.

5. Relieves sore throat

Star fruit has anti-inflammatory properties. One of the benefits is that it can relieve a sore throat.

Mother can drink star fruit juice to melt the phlegm in the throat. Starfruit can be an option to treat respiratory problems.

6. Maintain eye health

Starfruit is a natural source of vitamin A which is good for eye health. Eating this fruit while breastfeeding not only nourishes the eyes, but can also protect them from infection and impaired vision.

The content of vitamin A in this fruit can also improve visual acuity, you know. One of the recommended starfruit to maintain eye health is the wuluh starfruit.

7. Control blood sugar levels

Fitness nutritionist Malia Frey says that fresh fruits like star fruit can be used for diabetes management. The fiber in star fruit can facilitate the digestion of food and prevent spikes in blood sugar, Mother.

In addition, star fruit can also prevent the development of insulin resistance in the body.

“Incorporating star fruit in the diet can help reduce the risk of diabetes and keep blood sugar under control,” said Frey. Very Well Fit.

8. Heart health

Star fruit contains potassium and calcium which are very beneficial for maternal heart health breast-feed. Potassium in star fruit can lower high blood pressure.

While the calcium content can relieve tension in blood vessels and arteries, and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

9. Healthy skin and hair

The antioxidant content in star fruit can make the skin glow, you know, Mother. The content of these antioxidants such as gallic acid and quercetwhich exhibits anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.

Not only for skin health, this fruit can also repair damaged hair cells.

10. Stimulate breast milk production

Star fruit is said to stimulate milk production, Mother. This fruit can increase milk production by increasing hormone secretion.

Also check out the 5 benefits of longan fruit for nursing mothers, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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