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김희선의 ‘경단녀’ 공포와 출산 후 6년 공백기에 대한 이야기

Title: Kim Hee-sun Opens Up About the Challenges ⁢of Being a Working Mother

Subtitle: The popular actress shares her experiences as a “경단녀” and the struggles of⁢ balancing motherhood and a successful career.

Date: October 23, 2023

In a⁢ recent interview, renowned⁢ actress Kim Hee-sun⁣ candidly discussed ⁤the difficulties she faced as a working mother in the entertainment industry. Kim, who is often referred to as a “경단녀”⁣ (gyeongdan-nyeo), a⁣ term used‌ to describe women who successfully juggle their careers and family life, opened up about the challenges ​she encountered and the societal pressures​ she felt.

Kim’s revelations came during an episode of ⁤the popular variety show “유퀴즈” (Yoo Quiz), hosted by Yoo Jae-suk. The actress, ‍who took a six-year hiatus after giving birth, shared the reasons ⁣behind her decision to‍ take a break from acting. She explained ‌that the demanding nature of⁢ her profession and the desire to spend quality time with her family were the primary factors​ that led to‌ her temporary⁢ departure from the limelight.

During the interview, Kim also expressed​ her concerns ​about the expectations placed on working mothers. She revealed that she often questioned⁣ whether she could be both a successful actress and ​a dedicated mother. Kim’s ⁢honesty resonated with ‍many viewers, as her struggles shed light on the⁣ challenges faced by countless working mothers around the world.

The actress’s return to the entertainment industry after her hiatus was‍ met with great anticipation and support from her fans. Kim’s ​decision to prioritize her family while maintaining her passion for‌ acting has inspired many women who find themselves in similar situations.

Kim Hee-sun’s⁢ story is a reminder that the pressures faced by working mothers are universal, regardless of their ‍profession or social status. Her willingness to‍ share her experiences has sparked conversations ​about the need for more support‍ and understanding for women​ who choose to balance their careers and family life.

As the interview concluded, ⁢Kim expressed⁢ her gratitude ⁤for the ​love and support she has received from her fans throughout her journey. ⁤She ⁤hopes that her story will encourage other working mothers to ‌pursue their dreams while ⁤also prioritizing⁢ their families.

Kim Hee-sun’s candid interview on “유퀴즈” ⁤has not only shed light on the challenges ⁣faced by working mothers but⁣ has ‌also sparked ​a larger conversation about the need for ⁢societal support and understanding. Her story serves as an inspiration for women around the world ⁤who‌ strive to find a balance between ‍their⁢ careers⁢ and family life.

What expectations​ and ⁤pressures did Kim Hee-sun face as a working​ mother? How did she handle being judged by others for not being able to attend all of her children’s events⁢ and‌ meetings

From acting to focus‌ on ⁣raising ⁤her two children, shared that returning to work‍ was not an ‍easy decision. She expressed her concerns about balancing her career and ⁤being‍ there⁣ for⁢ her children, stating that she​ constantly felt guilty for ‌not being​ able to spend ⁤as much time with them as she would ⁣like.

As a working mother, Kim also discussed the expectations and ⁣pressures she faced from society. She shared her experiences of being⁢ judged⁣ by others ‍for not ‍being able to ‌attend all of her children’s school events or parent-teacher meetings. Despite these ‌challenges, Kim emphasized the importance ⁣of ⁤communication with her children and finding​ ways to ‌make quality‍ time ⁤meaningful.

The actress also highlighted the importance of having‌ a support system⁣ in place. She ‍mentioned how grateful ⁤she⁤ is for ​her husband’s understanding and support, ‌as well as ‍her parents’ help in taking care of her children.‍ Kim acknowledged that‌ she is fortunate‍ to have the resources and support that⁤ many working mothers may not have access to.

Despite the difficulties and sacrifices, Kim expressed her love for her ‍family and her passion for her career. She mentioned⁢ that being a ​working ⁢mother has taught⁢ her ⁤valuable lessons in time ⁢management and prioritization. She also stressed the importance of pursuing one’s dreams and‌ finding⁤ fulfillment outside ⁢of motherhood.

Overall, ‌Kim⁣ Hee-sun’s candid discussion shed light on the challenges faced by working mothers, particularly in the entertainment industry. ⁢Her⁤ experiences and insights serve as an inspiration for other‌ women ⁤who are trying to balance their careers and ⁤family life, reminding them that they ⁣are⁣ not alone in their⁣ struggles.

2 thoughts on “김희선의 ‘경단녀’ 공포와 출산 후 6년 공백기에 대한 이야기”

  1. I’m so intrigued to hear Kim Hee-sun’s personal story of balancing motherhood and her career in the entertainment industry. Can’t wait for this!


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