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[국제]Italy and Germany also confirmed’mutations’…restricted entry to the US and China

Italy and Germany also confirmed mutant COVID-19 patients
The U.S. and U.K. departing from the U.S. are obligated to make a voice check
Hong Kong increases quarantine for immigration facilities to three weeks… China suspends UK flights


A mutation Corona 19 spreading in the UK has also been confirmed in Germany and Italy.

Following China’s restrictions on the entry of aircraft from the UK, the US mandated all passengers on flights departing from the UK to test negative for COVID-19.

This is Lee Yeo-jin.


The spread of COVID-19 is steep in the UK, where the mutant virus was found.

On the 23rd, it reached a record high with 39,000 new cases, and on the 24th, more than 39,000 were confirmed and continued to the worst.

In the UK, the number of cumulative confirmed cases is 2.1 million and the cumulative death is 70,000.

In South Africa, where another mutation was found, the cumulative number of confirmed cases increased to nearly one million as the virus ignited a second pandemic.

[제프리 엠팔레 / 남아프리카 의학연구위원회 연구 부회장 : 변이 바이러스는 전염성이 더 강합니다. 이 바이러스는 모든 기회를 이용해 공동체에 퍼질 것입니다. 그래서 우리는 좀 더 경계할 필요가 있습니다.]

Among these, mutant viruses have also been confirmed in Italy and Germany.

The Italian patient was found to have had no contact with anyone from the UK, raising the possibility that the mutant virus has already entered Italy and is circulating.

As concerns over the mutant virus grew, the U.S. decided to mandate a negative Corona 19 test for all passengers entering flights from the UK starting next week.

PCR or antigen test results received within 72 hours of departure must be submitted.

Hong Kong has increased the quarantine period for foreign visitors from 2 weeks to 3 weeks.

Prior to this, China decided to temporarily suspend flights to the UK.

[왕 원 빈 / 중국 외교부 대변인 (지난 24일) : 변이 바이러스의 성질이나 그 영향력을 고려하고 중국인이나 해외에서 입국하는 사람들의 안전을 위해 중국은 고심 끝에 다른 나라의 선례를 따라 영국과의 항공편 운항을 중단하기로 했습니다.]

As the U.S. and China join forces to restrict entry from the UK, it is expected to affect other countries’ policies. This is YTN Lee Yeo-jin.

[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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