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????β€βš•οΈ Health: viruses frequent in winter

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Winter is coming !! And when he arrives, he arrives with all his friends, the Stars of winter: sore throat, bronchitis, colds, flu, gastroenteritis … With a +1 which has become encrusted: the Coronavirus (COVID-19 for close friends).

Viruses here, viruses there … How are they transmitted ?

The characteristic of virus transmission is that it cannot be seen! So, not super easy to realize. But we know that they are transmitted:

– By droplets laden with viruses (when you cough, sneeze, spit, talk, sing…).

– Through direct contact : avoid shaking hands or touching various objects too often (telephone, remote control, door handles, elevator buttons, masks, etc.) which could be contaminated.

– By air, especially when a sick person occupies a closed room (we know, we freeze them when we ventilate at the moment, but hey it’s important!).

Small focus on the most frequent infectious diseases:

For your biggest kiffe, we gave you a little recap of the star viruses of winter:

Seasonal flu : it mainly affects the respiratory tract (nose, throat and bronchi) and is often accompanied by chills, fever, headaches, body aches, coughing fits and great fatigue. Its symptoms are felt for 5 to 6 days before subsiding

A cold : it is characterized by a clear runny nose which leads to blow your nose frequently and some general symptoms that vary from person to person: fever, fatigue, headache, tearing and sometimes a cough. These signs disappear within a few days.

Bronchitis : it causes a burning sensation in the chest (sternum), a generally low fever, body aches and a feeling of physical malaise. It also causes a fatty and deep cough.

The gastroenteritis: It results in diarrhea and / or vomiting, which lasts 2 to 3 days in most patients. Like the flu, it can cause headaches, body aches, fatigue and feverish flares. Its development must be closely followed, especially in fragile people who can become dehydrated very quickly.

The surprise guest: the Covid-19

As you probably already know, Covid-19 affects people in different ways. Most infected people develop a mild to moderate form of the disease and recover without hospitalization. But sometimes other people who are at risk can develop more serious symptoms and they must then be hospitalized in order to provide them with more intensive care.

To get your bearings a little, fever, dry cough, and fatigue are common symptoms of Covid-19. However, let’s keep an eye out for the slightly less frequent symptoms (body aches, sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, headaches, loss of smell or taste, rash, or discoloration of the fingers or toes) ????

How to put a wind in the winter viruses ?

We know you know it but let’s say it again , he is indispensable of :

– wear a mask in case of contact with the elderly, babies, people with chronic illness or pregnant women

– wash your hands regularly with soap and water or with a hydroalcoholic solution

– sneeze or cough into the crease of your elbow (to cover your mouth and nose without contaminating your hands which will touch many other things afterwards)

– use a disposable tissue to blow your nose, throw it in the trash and wash your hands.

– keep your distance. Clear against virus transmission, avoid the crowd. The closer you are to an infected person, the more you maximize the risk of transmission ????

Small bonus of the article (because we are too nice): to be in shape, you need to get enough sleep, hydrate a lot and eat a diet that contains vitamins and minerals! So take care of your sleep and your diet.

Don’t let viruses ruin your winter. Put all the chances on your side to have fun moments while remaining safe ????


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