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Ziyad Baroud Criticizes Postponement of Municipal Elections as Politically-Motivated

The former minister, Ziyad Baroud, indicated, in an interview with LBCI, that “the postponement of the municipal elections is not convincing, even if there are debatable reasons. “.

And he stated, “It is clear that the political forces prefer not to hold these elections for certain reasons, and it is clear that the agreement on the extension expresses a political choice and a decision not to hold them during this period, and the addresses are many, from the absence of the President of the Republic to reaching the Beirut municipal elections.”

Baroud added, “The part of the issue is administrative and logistical, but it is clear that the choice is a political one. There were ways of cooperation between the executive and legislative authorities. As citizens, it seemed to us that the problem is financing. The most important question here is: Why focus on financing when financing was possible?”

He said, “When the Constitutional Council suspends the effect of the law, it means that there is no extension. He has one month to decide on the constitutionality of the law. Suspension of the law does not necessarily mean its invalidation, but this means that he has sufficient reasons to suspend it and that the reasons are serious, but he may have fear that something will happen that affects him.” on the legal consequences.

2023-05-08 19:26:07
#Baroud #Postponing #municipal #elections #convincing #remains #major #constitutional #violation #Elnashra.com

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