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Man Arrested for Killing Adoptive Father and Raping Sufferer’s Spouse on Morotai Island

Morotai Island

The police arrested a person named Refly (36) in Morotai Island Regency, North Maluku, who to kill His adoptive father with the initials FP (43) then raped the sufferer’s spouse, FA (24). The perpetrator was on the run for 10 days.

The homicide and rape passed off in Cao Besar Hamlet, Daruba Village, South Morotai District, Morotai Island, on Sunday (5/5) at round 07.15 WIT. Police arrested the perpetrator at a resident’s home in Daruba Village, South Morotai District, on Wednesday (15/5) round 14.30 WIT.

“(The perpetrator was arrested) round 14.30 WIT at a resident’s home,” Morotai Island Police Legal Investigation Unit Head Iptu Ismail Salim advised detikcom, reported by detikSulsel, Wednesday (15/5 /2024).

Copra cooked by the offender first

The Chief of Falila Village, Denfris Model, mentioned that the perpetrator and the sufferer first smoked coconuts to make copra. At the moment, the perpetrator abruptly hit the sufferer who was sitting on his head till he fell.

“In keeping with data from the sufferer’s spouse, at the moment he (the perpetrator) killed the sufferer in a sitting place. There was a blow with a blunt object from the again of the sufferer’s head, in all probability that this was the suspect,” mentioned Falila City Chief, Denfris Model to detikcom, Sunday (5/5).

After killing his adoptive father, the perpetrator went to the backyard home which was about 15 meters from the scene. Within the backyard home, the perpetrator beat and raped the sufferer’s spouse and threatened to kill her little one if she screamed.

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Additionally watch the video ‘Causes for Nephew to Kill Uncle at Warung Pamulang’:

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2024-05-16 02:52:52

#Refly #killed #adoptive #father #raped #adoptive #mom

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