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Zelensky celebrates 24 hours of Ukrainian advances “in all directions”

(EFE). – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky celebrated on Monday after visiting his soldiers fighting on the front lines in the eastern Donetsk region the advances made on Monday by the Ukrainian army “in all directions” of the front.

“Today our fighters have advanced in all directions, and it is a happy day,” Zelensky said in his last recorded address to the nation on the train returning from the front.

Hours before Zelensky’s evening address, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense had reported advances of between one and two kilometers in the Bakhmut area, in Donetsk, and the recovery, in the southern area of ​​the front, of the town of Rivnopil .

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense had reported advances of between one and two kilometers in the Bakhmut area, in Donetsk, and the recovery, in the southern area of ​​the front, of the town of Rivnopil

Rivnopil is a town located in the south-west of Donetsk, near the administrative border with the neighboring region of Zaporizhia. From the area where the two provinces intersect, Ukraine intends to advance south to reach the Sea of ​​Azov and cut the corridor that connects the occupied Crimean peninsula with Russia by land.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a popular American think tank that analyzes the conflict, has confirmed by geolocation the liberation of Rivnopil by Ukraine.

According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russia continues to focus its offensive efforts, which according to the source are unsuccessful, on the eastern front areas of Liman, Bakhmut and Marinka, while it is concentrating on the southern theaters of operations. in defending their lines from the Ukrainian offensives.

Ukraine launched its long-awaited counteroffensive more than three weeks ago with offensive operations in three different sections of the front, located in the Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions.

Meanwhile, in Russia, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday that it is preparing the transfer of heavy military equipment that was in the hands of the Wagner Group mercenaries to regular troops.

“Preparations are underway for the transfer of heavy military equipment from the private military company Wagner to active units of the Russian Armed Forces,” Defense said in a statement posted on its Telegram channel.

In practice, the Wagner Group as it has been known since it was created in 2014 is dismantled, following the outbreak of the conflict in Donbas, in eastern Ukraine.

Russia takes this step after Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the mercenaries who rose up for 24 hours over the weekend against the military leadership three ways out last night: return home, go into exile in Belarus or sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense or other security agencies in the country.

This means in practice the dismantling of the Wagner Group as it has been known since it was created in 2014 following the outbreak of the conflict in Donbas, in eastern Ukraine.

The agreement reached last Saturday between the Kremlin and the head of the Wagnerites, Yevgueni Prigozhin, provides that neither the mercenaries nor their leader will be criminally prosecuted for armed rebellion and that the 62-year-old St. Petersburg businessman would go into exile in Belarus.

In exchange they had to give up their uprising, during which they had taken the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and marched in columns up to 200 kilometers from the gates of Moscow.

Consequently, the Federal Security Service announced today that it has closed the case. “During the investigation of the criminal case (…) on armed rebellion, it was established that on June 24 its participants ceased the actions aimed directly at committing this crime,” the FSB said in a statement cited by the official TASS news agency.

“I will not hide it: it was painful to observe the events that were taking place in the south of Russia. Not only for me. Many of our citizens took them to heart. Because the homeland is one”

For his part, the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, said today that he ordered the country’s Army to be placed on maximum alert when the rebellion began, in which he acted as a mediator.

“I gave all the pertinent instructions to put the Army on maximum combat alert,” said the president, quoted by the Telegram channel Pul Pervogo, close to the Belarusian presidency, at the ceremony of awarding the ranks of general to high command.

“I will not hide it: it was painful to observe the events that were taking place in the south of Russia. Not only for me. Many of our citizens took them to heart. Because the homeland is one,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Lukashenko last night in a message to the nation for his “contribution to the peaceful resolution of the situation”, alluding to his mediation for the agreement that put an end to the Prigozhin rebellion on Saturday and his mercenaries when they advanced towards Moscow.


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