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Yves Coppieters on wearing a mask: “We must not discourage people by forcing it in the streets all the time”

For the epidemiologist, the important thing is to maintain this measure where necessary.

SFollowing the decision of the municipality of Estaimpuis to review the obligation to wear a mask, Yves Coppieters, epidemiologist and professor of public health at the ULB, spoke to the RTBF newscast.

“I do think that there is a way to raise the measures a little, that is to say maintain what the CNS said the obligation to wear a mask in stores, in public places with crowds. , in city centers if there are people. But maybe outside of these cases, if there are few people and few cases it makes less sense. “

“And I fully understand the lifting of this measure since the important thing is to maintain the wearing of the mask obligatory in the places where it is necessary and in time, so we should not discourage people by forcing them to wear it in the streets all the time, ”he concludes.

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