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Yvelines. Catholics and Protestants united in Saint-Germain-en-Laye to help migrants

Before seeing the resumption of food donations from supermarkets, Protestants and Catholics organize themselves to help migrants in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines).

Posted on May 3, 20 at 2:28 p.m.

Brigitte Le Bonniec (left), with the volunteers who allow migrants to be fed weekly in Saint-Germain-en-Laye (Yvelines). (© Emmanuel Fèvre)

The crisis of Covid 19 deprived the migrants of food, in social hotels in the Bel-Air district in Saint-Germain-en-Laye ((Yvelines). With the confinely supermarkets have stopped their donations, Restaurants du Coeur have closed and other structures, such asBreadfruit, have been impacted in their distributions.

Call for donations

TheEvangelical Solidarity Association, overseen by the pastor Andy Alasoo, found itself on the front line with its social grocery store, to help families staying in the Serena and Le Coq hotels.

We are supplied by supermarkets for our distribution of weekly baskets. With the confinement, we no longer had any food to distribute for the 60 families who are helped each week by the Seve association, “says Brigitte Le Bonniec, member of the structure which depends on the evangelical church.

Three weeks ago, the migrants had had nothing to eat for several days. Father Benoît Chevalier, parish priest of Saint-Léger, Fourqueux, Mareil-Marly, informed of the situation, then launched an appeal via the parish website and social networks.

In 24 hours, the presbytery of Saint-Léger was overflowing with food, “recalls Isabelle Demoures, who takes part in the migrant operation for the parish.

Since April 3, every Friday, Catholic parish volunteers have brought what they have received. Several vehicles are necessary for this transport, as the donors are generous.

These are dry groceries, fresh with fruits and vegetables, except meat and fish, and personal hygiene products. Donors offer quality products, they are really generous ”, note Brigitte and Isabelle.

Links between Christians

Made on Friday, the baskets are delivered on Saturday morning by the Seve association.

At the moment, we are no longer going to hotels, families come to pick up the products here. A drive procedure, with distancing, is put in place to avoid any risk of contamination ”, explains Brigitte Le Bonniec.

The people staying in social hotels are mostly single-parent families with children.

We have asked donors to offer books, games, and hygiene products, with the same success, “said Protestants and Catholics alike.

Joined together by their faith, these Christians have forged links between them. Priest and pastor got to know each other. The two communities remain mobilized, even if donations from supermarkets are starting to resume.

Emmanuel Fèvre

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