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You must have fallen from Mars to say that!

For all 30 years they accuse us of being the party they attach themselves to, that we are so independent that we don’t listen to anyone, that we dominate everyone, and you’re screwing yourself up for attaching DPS to GERB, he got angry

The short answer is no. Unfortunately, I had the opportunity to listen to this rhetoric and as the chairman of the meetings, I was the deputy speaker of the parliament. Quite often I got on the edge of the rules in verbal skirmishes with colleagues, because the language is an outrage, almost always outside the context of the political issue under discussion, just a banal Mahlen nagging with the political opponent, which continues in the current campaign.

Yordan Tsonev from DPS said this on bTV, commenting on the possibility of forming a cabinet after the upcoming extraordinary parliamentary elections.

“In this nagging, there is no polemic about people’s sore problems, but party and personal ego. Ego has a place in politics, a person who does not have a big ego does not enter politics, but it should still be subordinated to the common things, and they are many. The problem field of the state is so large that I feel uncomfortable in recent years, as a politician – this is one of the reasons,” Tsonev also said.

“I’m also looking in the studios to see what the issue is. If we look at the reality of how things are, it should be very easy to form a cabinet. In the previous parliament, we had a Euro-Atlantic majority of 172 representatives. There was no question of supporting a policy in this area at all.

I say Euro-Atlantic, because in conditions of war, 400 km away, no one can provide us with national security except NATO membership, and in the economic crisis with inflation there is no way to fight without the tools of the EU.

That’s why we need a Euro-Atlantic majority – security from NATO, tools from the EU, and this majority to start and solve problems,” continued the former Deputy Speaker of the Parliament.

“Instead, we’re watching a politician who was prime minister tell another prime minister that he won’t do a coalition with him because he was corrupt. It’s very ugly,” he added.

According to him, the judicial system should determine who is corrupt, or the journalists. A politician for a politician cannot give such an assessment, let alone that it is an obstacle to form a coalition.

“Urban legends say the same about them. They don’t even want to do that. I’m talking about PP and DB because they are the parties that set this issue.

A year and a month ago, the DPS submitted a project to change the constitution in the part of the judicial system, a very deep reform. Exactly as our European partners want.

One year, in this last parliament, we reminded them, there were people who did not know that we had brought in, and we handed it to them personally. It is not about reforming the judicial system.

If it was about that, the dialogue would have started already last year. They want elementary things that they don’t want to say in front of the public”, this is how Tsonev commented on the demands of the DB and PP for judicial reform in our country.

He then continued with the comments:

“The basic things are not to look at the fact that the judicial system does not work, including in the court, and not only in the prosecutor’s office. Because Dukaban, do you remember his stories about the rotten apples in the judicial system? To me, they were for judges, not for prosecutors, for judges who had taken away the ownership of a French company We propose such a reform as to make our judicial system work.

Not just us. Where is the dialogue? The judicial system, rampant corruption and all this is a pretext to have claims to power. DB and PP unfounded, not supported electorally, to have claims not to participate in power, but to dominate power, to dominate the problems, to name the people who will participate”.

Tsonev called to read the draft for the constitutional reform of the DPS.

“There we are messing up very deeply in the prosecutor’s office. There is nothing to suspect us of. We said in this parliament that we are absolutely ready for a deep reform, including personnel decisions in the judicial system, once we are convinced that the personnel reform is not sat down.

The tone needs to change. If we are going to talk about judicial reform, put the proposals on the table. Krum Zarkov’s law cannot represent judicial reform. He may be a part. It doesn’t start with that. It starts with the constitution, because there are things inside that need to be resolved. They want the same unreformed prosecutor’s office to remain. But to change people,” he said.

“Look at Zarkov’s law. It affects others, how to investigate, replace and appoint the chief prosecutor. There, the common denominator is that this should only be done with the judge quota.

In addition to prosecutors and judges, there are also investigators, they are part of the judicial system. Until not so long ago, they were an absolutely independent part.

And they can become again by changing the constitution. It starts with this, not with a single law, which the mastite lawyers say is outside the constitution. We will insist on resolving the constitutional issues first. I cannot say whether we will support him or not,” Tsonev said.

He also pointed out two of the points in the DPS plan for the elections:

– We are ready for a radical judicial reform. to tell you our program

– Solving inflation problems

– Deep reform of the judicial system. We have it in black and white.

After that, however, Tsonev got angry at the presenter’s question and said:

“Today I am listening to respected political scientists gathered in a studio and for me the collective image of capital propaganda – the smart and respected Smilov, who is being asked about future coalitions.

And when it came to DPS and Vazrazhdane, they analyzed GERB and PP, and said about DPS: I attach them to GERB. You must have fallen from Mars to say that.

For the past 30 years, they have been accusing us of being the party to which they attach themselves, that we are so independent, that we don’t listen to anyone, that we dominate everyone, and you are making a fool of yourself by attaching DPS to GERB.

It is said that this thing is already fit for these mantras, and no one asks how this is related to the other accusations against DPS, that we are independent, that we are too independent.

Excuse me. All these things must be cleared. We must sit down at the negotiating table without conditions and such clichés in the head. The judicial system is not a cliché.”

According to Tsonev, objective reasons indicate that inflation is normal in Europe and Bulgaria. “The whole question is what can change. Supply chains are broken, goods in abundance will not come. For one car part we are waiting six months. At the same time there is enough money supply after the K-19 crisis. What can we do .

The problem is that there is no parliament. There is no one to fulfill the functions of the parliament, and controlling prices requires legislative measures and a functioning parliament. There can only be one if there is a regular government,” he said.

Under his words, there is inflation and speculation in the country, and we don’t even have a regular budget. “He is absolutely unfashionable. If there is no majority for what he will accept, what will happen in the parliament is what has been happening for two years already – bidding and a debt crisis, it will get even worse,” explained Tsonev.

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