Home » today » Entertainment » You and I, Gabriella Farinon confesses to Diaco: love for her daughter and memories of the past

You and I, Gabriella Farinon confesses to Diaco: love for her daughter and memories of the past

For the episode preceding mid-August, Pierluigi Diaco hosted in the studio of Me and you one of the ladies of Italian television: Gabriella Farinon. Introduced, like all the VIPs interviewed by the Roman conductor, by the presentation form of Paola Tavella, it was defined by Diaco “A diva of the small screen”.

Colleague and friend of Nicoletta Orsomando and with a career in cinema behind her – she worked with Marcello Mastroianni and was directed by Roger Vadim – during the interview she heard from Diaco, who described her as “a royal lady of Italian show “.

During the chat with the landlord of Me and you, touched on various themes: he spoke for example of the greatest difficulty encountered in his life path, namely the period following the death of the husband Stefano Romanazzi, but also of friendship.

Exploring this topic allowed her to mention the special relationship that still unites her with former colleagues today Nicoletta Orsomando e Rosanna Vaudetti, like her announcers who have marked the history of the small screen.

The interview in the living room of Me and you represented an opportunity for Farinon to dwell on relationship with his daughter Barbara Modesti, talented RAI journalist. Gabriella Farinon, who has been defined by Diaco as a beauty that makes heads turn, in 1997 shared a special moment with her: the announcement of presentation of Primaditutto, rotogravure of Tg1 conducted by Modesti.

“I’m proud of her because she does her job seriously”: these are the words of Gabriella Farinon, who received a special video message from her daughter. Modesti said she was proud of her and remembered her adolescence, including the typical clothing of the 70s. He also defined her as “a real lioness”, sending her happy birthday wishes in advance (on 17 August Farinon blows out 79 candles).

No doubt about it: during the stay in Pierluigi Diaco’s studio, Farinon had the opportunity to make a special leap into the past. Between memories of the ten years of conducting A Disco for the Summer, vintage footage with Gianni Boncompagni e Renzo Arbore and references to her commitment to associations linked to cancer research, viewers have fully appreciated the talent and beauty of a great professional in the show business.

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