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Works by “Skuja Braden”, Valdis Celms, Kaspars Groševs and Līga Spunde nominated for Purvītis Award | The news

Riga, October 13, LETA. Evaluating the exhibitions and the works of the artists, which were open to the public from July 1 to September 30, the Purvītis Prize expert working group nominated the works of “Skuja Braden”, Valdis Celms, Kaspars Groševs and Līga Spunde.

Natalija Sujunšalijeva, a representative of the Latvian National Museum of Art (LNMM), informed LETA that “Skuja Braden” was nominated for the Purvītis Prize for the exhibition “Samsāra”, which was open from March 14 to September 27. The expert working group has especially highlighted the central part of the exhibition “Long Altar”.

Curator, art historian and head of the Latvian Center for Contemporary Art Solvita Krese pointed out that “Skuja Braden” ‘s creative activity in the Latvian art scene was a bright, independent and unusual phenomenon, which has become especially noticeable now, in harmony with world feminist narratives and ceramics as creative. renaissance of thought expression.

Groševs’ multimedia installation “Other Room”, which was on display at the art festival “Cēsis 2020” and exhibited from July 25 to August 28, is also nominated for the Purvītis Award.

Krese noted that the multimedia installation “Other Room” created by Groševs revealed various aspects of the artist’s versatile creative activity in a multi-layered section, creating a paraphrase of “Gesamtkunstwerk” or the format of total artwork in the context of contemporary art.

Also, Spunde’s work “No Blessing for Evil Will Come” was nominated for the Purvītis Award, which could be viewed during the festival “Survival Kit 11” in the former building of the Museum of Literature and Music from September 4 to October 4.

LNMM exhibition curator Līna Birzaka-Priekule drew attention to the fact that Spunde’s work “No Blessing for Evil Will Come” is a story about the author’s own relationship with spiritual practices. According to Birzaka-Priekule, the work of art touches on a number of important issues in any society, related to the medical system, which often ignores the emotional and psychological needs of patients, over-protecting people close to them, ignoring their own wishes and needs and overwhelming their expectations. selfish “bubbles”, and by addressing pseudo spiritual and questionable practices as the only possible salvation.

Stump’s kinetic sculptures “Rhythms of Life” and “Positron” at the exhibition of the second Riga International Biennale of Contemporary Art “Everything Blooms at the Same Time”, which took place from August 20 to September 13, were also nominated for the Purvītis Award.

Curator Elīna Sproģe emphasized that the kinetic large-format sculptures “Rhythms of Life” and “Positron” resonate with the changing states of life and man and the principles of world structure through mechanized movement, at the same time pointing to Stelm’s visionary approach to creating art objects 50 years ago. Through these ornamental constructions, he connects the smallest elementary particles and the expanses of space, allowing the viewer to feel himself emotionally and completely physically as part of a larger whole, Sproģe emphasized.

In total, experts nominated eight art events during this period, including Alnis Stakles’ exhibition “Neither Horse nor Tiger” at the Latvian Museum of Photography, Linda Bolshakova’s work “Seminar Futures: Seeds for Future Coexistence” was created in collaboration with Alvis Misjuns, Anna Ķirssi, Dacis Within the framework of the Sculpture Quadrennial in the urban environment of Riga, the exhibition of Atis Jākobsons “Presence” in the Bauska Museum and Ieva Iltnere’s exhibition “Evening of Slides” in the gallery “Art XO”.

From January 1, 2019 to the end of December 2020, Lina Birzaka-Priekule, curator of LNMM exhibitions, Laima Slava, art historian, editor-in-chief of Neputns publishing house, professor and vice-rector for studies and research at the Latvian Academy of Arts, work in the Purvītis Prize expert working group. Teikmanis, philosopher Kārlis Vērpe and founder and manager of the gallery “Careva” Alise Careva.

From July 1, 2019, curator Elīna Sproģe has started working in the team of experts. She replaced the curator, art theorist Kaspars Vanags. From January 1, 2020, Solvita Krese, a curator, art historian and head of the Latvian Center for Contemporary Art, has started working in the team of experts. She replaced art scientist, curator Ieva Kalniņš.

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