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Workers from Youth Centers and Police clash amid protests for job improvements

Protest was held in front of “Maranguita”. Photo: Alberto Valderrama.

Members of the Single Union of Youth Center Workers confronted the National Police while protesting in front of the Lima Youth Center for Diagnosis and Rehabilitation, known as “Maranguita” located in San Miguel.

The members, workers of the youth centers of Maranga, Santa Margarita, Ancón 2, as well as the Adolescent Guidance Service of Rímac, Lima Norte, Lima Este, Callao and Ventanilla, demand the restructuring of the Youth Centers Program (Pronacej) and They demand the payment of their bonuses, as well as the improvement of their working conditions.

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In the midst of the protests, tires were burned and La Paz Avenue was blocked, so police officers had to arrive at the scene to free the roads.

The force measure will be carried out for 24 hours and could be extended if their demands are not met by the authorities of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE).

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– 2024-05-11 09:41:11

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