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Women celebrate September 28 for access to legal and safe abortion

Mexico.- This Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Global Action Day for Access to Legal and Safe Abortion is commemorated; With this, thousands of women will protest to demand that their right to decide be recognized.

But why is 28S commemorated?
Every September 28, the Global Day of Action for Access to Legal and Safe Abortion is celebrated, a date that was called by the feminist movement with the aim of demanding the legalization of abortion.

The date was established in the declaration of San Bernardo during the Abortion Workshop held at the V Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encounter, in Argentina.

It was unanimously approved by the 200 participants of the workshop, who declared 28S more than 30 years ago as the day to fight for legal abortion for the following reasons:

  • Thousands of women die in Latin America and the Caribbean due to clandestine abortion
  • Clandestine abortion is one of the leading causes of death for women in most of these countries
  • Health services are not worthy for women who decide to abort
  • Involuntary motherhood is a form of slavery of women
  • Criminalization of abortion
  • Unequal access to sex education, safe contraceptive methods, motherhood
  • And because freedom of choice about your body is an essential human right

Since when is September 28 commemorated for abortion?
This V Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Encounter was held in 1990 and since then, thousands of women in Latin America have protested to demand the legalization and decriminalization of abortion.

Although this 2021 marks the 31st anniversary of the Declaration of San Bernardo, the most massive marches have been registered in recent years, led by young women who demand legal abortion.

Since then, legal abortion has been required to be respected as a human right that must be guaranteed by the States safely and free of charge.

In 1990, the feminists who participated in the meeting declared that:

  • They are not willing to sacrifice their lives and health for the sake of an oppressive morality imposed by the dominant institutions;
  • To continue allowing their bodies to be used to reproduce the system
  • To be legislated without taking into account their needs
  • And that only with mobilization can myths, prejudices, customs and interests be thrown away that deny the right to decide

In addition to declaring September 28 as the Day for the Right to Abortion of Women in Latin America and the Caribbean, commissions were created in all countries and fight until abortion is legal.

Protests, marches, acts and pronouncements, both in person and on social media, are held in all Latin American countries, although this feminist struggle has spread globally.

Mexico and legal abortion
In Mexico, it was until 2007 when women managed to get the Legislative Assembly of the Federal District of Mexico City to decriminalize abortion up to twelve weeks of gestation.

Thus 12 years passed, with an entity the abortion was legal and 31 continued to consider it a crime.

But in 2019, the Oaxaca Congress approved the legal interruption of pregnancy and became the second entity with this type of legislation.

Recently, between June and July 2021, Hidalgo and Veracruz also decriminalized abortion and now there are 4 states that have recognized this right.


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