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With the Ascension of the Lord – beautiful cards and the best congratulations in verse and prose

The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord falls annually on the 40th day after Easter.

Ascension Lord – date and traditions / photo stgeorgechorley.co.uk

The Ascension of the Lord is an important Christian holiday in the Orthodox calendar. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. This year Ascension had to for today, June 10th.

What does the feast of the Ascension mean

According to the Gospel, during 40 days from his resurrection, Christ spent a lot of time on earth. He communicated with the disciples and talked about the Kingdom of God, preparing them for an important mission – the spread of Christianity.

On the day of the Ascension, Jesus Christ gathered the apostles on the Mount of Olives. He gave his disciples the final instructions, preparing them for the descent of the Holy Spirit. Raising his hands and blessing the apostles, Christ began to withdraw and ascended to heaven.

The essence of the holiday is that Jesus did not die, but ascended into heaven in the flesh.

Congratulations on the Ascension in verse and prose


Today is the Ascension

May happiness come to you!

Mental doubt

Let it go forever.


With the Ascension of the Lord

Congratulations, please.

In a bright moment, in a bright sun

Keep happiness in your heart!

Open your beautiful world

A world without fear and struggle.

Render happiness to faith,

To preserve the gifts of fate.


Joyful sunny day of Ascension

Let him bring you good news.

May your heart find salvation

Fate will become bright and comely.

May always, as your heart desires,

Good happiness is fulfilled a hundredfold.

And he does not yearn, and does not grieve,

Only the good things in life come true.

Postcards with the Ascension / liza.ua

Postcards with the Ascension / liza.ua


On the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, I sincerely want to wish peace and goodness, smiles and joy, happiness and inspiration. May every day, sent by God, lift you to the heights of joy, love and beauty!


May the Ascension of the Lord give your heart faith, your mind – hope, and your health – strength! May the people you meet be righteous, and the roads you follow lead you to true happiness! God’s blessings to you!


With the Ascension of the Lord

Congratulations, please.

In a bright moment, in a bright sun

Keep happiness in your heart!

Open your beautiful world

A world without fear and struggle.

Render happiness to faith,

To preserve the gifts of fate.


On the great day of the holy Ascension

The sky rejoices, the people celebrate.

May the truth of divine genius

Pure bliss will bring you.

May your joy be endless

And life is without sin and without evil.

On the day of the triumph of great eternal life

Let there be a lot of happiness and warmth!

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / sunhome.ru

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / sunhome.ru


Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord,

Grace, happiness and goodness,

Let heaven bless

Didn’t touch that trouble.

Cheers to you, warmth, success,

Joy, harmony to you,

Less tears and more laughter

Make plans and your dreams come true!


I sincerely congratulate you on the bright day of the Ascension of the Lord! Let the sun warm your home and fill the rays with goodness, joy, happiness! I wish you mutual understanding, friendly family and strong love!


On the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, I wish you faith, inextinguishable hope in the best and pure spirituality. Let Jesus’ example illuminate your path, make it truly righteous, and reward you with love. Happy Holidays! And may it always be light and sunny in your soul.

With the Ascension of the Lord – pictures and cards

Postcards with the Ascension / pokr.otg.dp.gov.ua

Postcards with the Ascension / pokr.otg.dp.gov.ua

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / klike.net

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / klike.net

Ascension of the Lord - congratulations on the holiday / zoloti.com.ua

Ascension of the Lord – congratulations on the holiday / zoloti.com.ua

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / art-assorty.ru

Congratulations on the Ascension of the Lord / art-assorty.ru

Pictures of the Ascension / etnosoft.com.ua

Pictures of the Ascension / etnosoft.com.ua

Postcards and pictures for the Ascension of the Lord / memax.club

Postcards and pictures for the Ascension of the Lord / memax.club

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