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With Ramadan approaching… Why do prank programs succeed despite the public’s knowledge of their falsity?


Prank programs are considered an essential feature of television during the holy month of Ramadan, as the audience has become accustomed to them over the course of many years, and they have become one of the manifestations of the holy month, in which the audience finds an outlet from the daily pressures they are exposed to, and the family gathers around them after breaking the fast.

Despite the artists’ statements and some leaks that confirmed that they are fabricated and fake, as the artist is aware of the prank when contracting with him, and that what he is doing is acting, she still achieves great success, and enjoys a high percentage of viewership in the season full of various artworks.

Regarding the reason for the success of these programmes, Dr. Saeed Sadiq, a professor of sociology at Egyptian universities, confirmed that the public finds entertainment and an outlet from economic pressures in them.

Sadiq told “Erm News”, that “one of the goals and functions of the media is entertainment, and in the month of Ramadan with fasting and economic pressures, entertainment and a change of mood attract the audience, even if what is presented is the concept that it is fabricated, artificial, and fake. The audience, after fasting, fatigue and stress, likes to sit with the family to have fun.” Entertainment and shared laughter, whatever the source, and whether what they are laughing at is real or fake.

When asked about the public’s knowledge of the falsehood of pranks, it is possible to weaken their dose of enjoyment of them, he explained: “These programs are an opportunity for the family to ridicule and entertain, and they see that fabrication can be tolerated as long as it leads to laughter, but if this is not presented, then they turn away from it, not because it is fake, but because Fake is not good, and it did not achieve the goal of laughter and entertainment.”

The popularity of the artist attracts the audience

As for Dr. Jamal Farweez, a professor of psychology, he saw that “the popularity of the artist who presents pranks is the main reason for the success of this type of program, and that there are many prank programs presented during the month of Ramadan, but the audience does not know anything about them and does not follow them because of the lack of popularity of their presenters.” Jamahiriya.”

Fruiz told “Erm News”, that “the audience in the month of Ramadan is eager for any material that has a kind of foreplay, comedy and pranks, for the sake of entertainment and comedy. Entertainment and laughter, and it becomes a tool for entertainment, like nuts that a person eats after breakfast.”

And Frouiz added, “One of the most important reasons for the success of pranks is the artist who presents them. The audience watches the program because of its love for its presenter, as evidenced by the fact that there are many prank programs that are presented in Ramadan, and they may be real and not fake. success or continuity.

As for the art critic Khairiya Al-Bishlawi, she saw that the large audience for such programs indicates a great decline in the taste of viewers.

Al-Bishlawi told “Erm News”: “Unfortunately, these programs, despite their serious disadvantages, have a large audience, and this reflects the poor taste of the spectator, who is considered a partner in the crime committed by the program’s makers,” calling for “not watching these programs, because the audience should not It is the object of it, and it is forced to laugh and mock the state of terror in which the victim is.

Al-Bishlawi pointed out that “the programs, especially the Ramiz Jalal program, are an invitation to blackmail and fear, and to force people to laugh at actions that should not be laughed at, and this is something completely inhumane. Nabil is one of these programs,” according to her estimate.

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