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Will the Regional League be able to return with an audience? – DiarioSports

The Cordovan Football Federation is yet to define together with the Provincial COE and the Córdoba Sports Agency that all the Regional Leagues in the province can return and with a limited audience capacity.

The meetings have been going on since last week. Many clubs throughout the provincial interior, including those of the San Francisco Regional League, demanded that the return be with people on the different fields.

Last weekend a meeting was held in Córdoba between leaders of the different Regional Leagues and the Cordovan Football Federation. Members of the Provincial COE and the Córdoba Sports Agency were also present.

It has not yet been decided that the official competitions can be played with the public again, but the rumor is very strong that it is with a limited capacity of the same. Each institution may present no more than 200 spectators, either among locals or visitors.

It should be noted that the San Francisco Regional Soccer League had already issued a protocol for the development of the competition with the public. This protocol provides for a strict control of the minimum distance of two meters, delimited in the stands and common spaces, as well as the use of the chinstrap, personal hygiene when entering the field and in the bathrooms.

The return to the courts is scheduled for March 7, although it will be necessary to wait if it is decided to postpone it. In principle, the protocol presented by the League of our city would not allow the visiting public.

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