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Why You May Not Feel Hungry in the Morning: Causes and Solutions

Respiratory diseases, certain medications, etc. are also causes

There are several reasons why you may not feel hungry when you wake up in the morning. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, it is not so easy to eat a meal even if you do not feel hungry in the morning. There are many reasons why you may not feel hungry right away when you wake up in the morning. While some can be signs of a serious problem, they are usually perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.

It doesn’t matter if you eat breakfast a little later or skip it altogether. Even so, you need to take care of getting the nutrients you need during the day and supplying enough water. This is because not eating breakfast can cause negative symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and irritability. The American health and medical media ‘Healthline’ analyzed the reason why people do not feel hungry in the morning.

Changes in hormone levels

As you sleep through the night, the fluctuating levels of hormones in your body, such as adrenaline, ghrelin, and leptin, can alter your appetite. Levels of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, tend to be higher in the morning. This hormone is known to suppress appetite by slowing the emptying of the stomach and increasing the breakdown of carbohydrates stored in the liver and muscles.

On the other hand, levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, may be lower than the night before, and levels of leptin, a hormone that promotes satiety, may be higher in the morning. These daily hormonal fluctuations are natural. However, if you experience sudden and extreme changes in your hunger or appetite, you should consider consulting a specialist.

Anxiety and depression symptoms

Anxiety and depression can greatly affect hunger levels. Depression can cause changes in appetite, along with symptoms such as trouble sleeping, fatigue, and loss of interest, while anxiety can increase levels of stress hormones that reduce appetite.

Anxiety and depression affect each person differently. These conditions may also work in some people to increase appetite and food intake. If you feel that anxiety or depression is affecting your appetite or other aspects of your health, you should visit your doctor for a consultation.

△When you are pregnant

Morning sickness, which causes nausea and vomiting, affects about 80% of pregnant women. Morning sickness can affect any time of the day, but it can be especially severe in the morning. Most morning sickness improves or disappears after the 14th week of pregnancy.

Morning sickness can reduce your appetite. Staying well hydrated, eating sparingly, getting enough sleep, and good ventilation to avoid nauseous odors are ways to reduce symptoms and increase appetite.

 Respiratory infections

Respiratory diseases such as the common cold, flu, and pneumonia are known to make you feel less hungry. These infections can limit your sense of taste and smell, thereby reducing your appetite. Even if you don’t have an appetite, it’s very important to stay hydrated and give your body energy when you’re sick. In this case, it is good to eat soup, hot tea, bananas, etc.

Eating a lot of dinner or late-night snacks

It’s obvious, but if you eat a large dinner or late-night snack the night before, you’ll feel less hungry the next morning. This is especially true if you ate a meal high in protein and fat. These macronutrients can slow down stomach emptying and keep you feeling full longer until the next morning.

Protein can significantly alter the levels of hormones that control hunger and appetite. Similarly, a high-fat meal may reduce hunger by altering the levels of certain hormones associated with appetite and satiety. It’s okay to postpone or skip breakfast the day after a heavy dinner. Instead, make sure you get the nutrients and fluids you need throughout the day.

△Other factors

Aging, ovulation, thyroid (thyroid) problems, chronic illness, and the use of certain medications can also contribute to loss of appetite. It is necessary to consult a medical professional to determine the underlying cause, whether it is a sign of a serious problem.

2023-04-24 23:14:02

#Hormonal #Fluctuations #Depression.. #Dont #Feel #Hunger #Morning

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