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Why weren’t using water pump trucks to fight floods after Ida passed through New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

moment I know quite wellthenAdriana: The Historicone-way invasions affectedstrongly to the broadcast,reaching the point of paralyzingpublic transportation. or nowthere was a machine of the nithat was not used from mta.>> this is one of theself-appointed buses that area world in the remnant oflife.could have been avoided ifthey would have used themachinery they were given.are the images that neverwill forget the users of thepublic transportation.>> everything, garbage everywhere.berenice: stations remainedsubmerged, whilepassengers were looking for a way out.this report made by themta inspector, points out thattrucks to extract waterwho gave the unit oftransit after sandy neverthey used them.outside of this station no oneyou can believe us.>> they gave the bias so thatthey used it and they didn’t.that was very bad ofthem.many people passed herea lot of work that day of theflooded.>> I was surprised becauseIt is a poor country in resources.but here controlling resourceswhat’s up, not why paóthis.berenice: the 12 trucks forprotect storages frombuses, but it can be movedwhere they need them.apparently they never hadgiven maintenance orthey trained no one to use them.univisón 41 news contacóto transit in new york andThey said that given the speed of therise of the waters in a sihistorical storm theme, thecompany does not believe that thetruck rolloutadditional would have prevented theflooding of the stationsbuses.>> they used them, we can’t seethe positive impact.berenice: the machinery wasvalued and a half olars.>> large sums ofmoney, that measures are usednecessary to ensure thattrain users andthe buses…berenice: the critics are addedgenerated to the cleaning themeof subway drains, and thatended up in this mess.>> we hope they takeletters on the matter.berenice: the governorI kept investigating sayingthat the agencies that handle thepublic transportation in the statesucre haén for thefloods that were with him

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