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Why Spend Doctor’s Fees! Try Eating 2 Apples Every Day and Feel The Big Changes In Your Body In An Instant – All Pages


Benefits of eating 2 apples every day

Sajiansedap.com – You are definitely no stranger to cholesterol.

The presence of cholesterol in the body certainly makes you uncomfortable.

Cholesterol levels should be constantly monitored and should not be underestimated.

The reason is, cholesterol levels that are too high can trigger a variety of other diseases that are more risky.

Uncontrolled cholesterol levels can lead to stroke and heart disease.

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Therefore, in order to maintain cholesterol levels you need to implement a healthy diet.

Besides that, you can also eat this fruit diligently.

What is the fruit?

Benefits of eating apples

Consumption of 2 apples has many good benefits, one of which is lowering cholesterol levels which is more effective than doctor’s drugs.

Reported by Insider, a recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that eating two apples every day can lower blood cholesterol.

Not only that 2 apples consumed in one day can also help prevent heart attacks or strokes.

Apples are rich in pectin and its fiber is a good food source for the healthy gut bacteria in the human gut known as the microbiome.

It has often been linked to everything from weight loss to mental health.

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Apples are also a good source of polyphenols for maintaining overall health.

Eating apples regularly can prevent the body from risky diseases such as cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, to heart disease.

Researchers believe that most of the pectin and fiber in apples have a remarkable effect on reducing cholesterol.

Even more interesting, according to a study women are more prone to cholesterol and apples can be used to lower it than men.

However, further research is needed on the benefits of apples in treating cholesterol by gender.

Other studies have also shown that apples can be used as a healthy snack that is beneficial for health.

Apples can maintain heart health along with the consumption of other healthy fruits and vegetables.

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Benefits of Boiled Apple

We definitely eat apples more often by eating directly or in juice.

However, there is nothing wrong if you now try to eat boiled apples.

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Because it turns out that boiled apples can provide five good benefits for your body.

Reporting from Nakita.id, try it from now on and get the benefits that are no less great for health.

1. Source of fiber

The fiber content in boiled apples is quite high, so when consumed it will make the stomach more full.

In addition, it can also meet the daily fiber needs in our body.

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2. Weight loss

Launching from drhealthbenefits, consumption of boiled apples can also help us in the weight loss process.

So, for those of you who are trying to lose weight, consuming boiled apples can be the right choice.

It will also help in optimizing the absorption of food.

3. Prevent heartburn

When ulcer symptoms appear, of course we are not comfortable made.

Launching from drhealthbenefits, consumption of boiled apples can also help us in the weight loss process.

So, for those of you who are trying to lose weight, consuming boiled apples can be the right choice.

It will also help in optimizing the absorption of food.

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4. Prevent heartburn

When ulcer symptoms appear, of course we are not comfortable made.

5. Lowering blood pressure

One way to help lower blood pressure is with boiled apples.

Not only that, eating boiled apples can also prevent us from headaches due to increased blood pressure.

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This article has been published on Nakita.id with the title, How to Lower Cholesterol, Just Eat 2 Apples Every Day, More Powerful Than Taking Drugs!


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