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Why does constipation occur during pregnancy and what remedies are available to combat it?

Photo: www.babycenter.com

Sometimes, we can all go through episodes in which we face constipation, that discomfort brought by bloating, the feeling of not being released enough after going to the bathroom or simply, we spend too much time in the bathroom. But did you know that during pregnancy these episodes can become much more frequent? Find out here why constipation occurs in pregnancy and what remedies are available to combat it.

Constipation is a condition of the digestive system in which the person has feces that are difficult to eliminate. And in pregnancy many expectant mothers say they are experiencing constipation. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 2 pregnant women experience constipation.

Why is this happening? It would be his fault increase in the level of the hormone progesterone, which slows down the activity of the intestines, relaxing the muscles. Thus, ingested food will cross more slowly through the intestines, which will lead to constipation, and this can be made worse if the pregnant woman also takes supplements that contain iron. The great part is that as the bowel activity slows down, so will the absorption of nutrients needed by the baby in the womb. It’s fascinating, Mother Nature, isn’t it?

Other causes of constipation could be: insufficient fluid intake, sedentary lifestyle, stress, a low-fiber diet, but also low levels of motilina-a hormone that slows down intestinal activity, etc.

In addition to being an unpleasant condition, if not treated properly, constipation can lead to other problems, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, etc.

What remedies are there to combat constipation?

  • As trivial as it may seem, but drinking enough water can help you a lot in the fight against constipation (about 8 glasses a day).
  • Eat high-fiber foods, such as fruits (apples, pears, plums, raspberries, blueberries, etc.), green leafy vegetables, whole grains (avoid refined ones), yogurt or kefir, etc. Experts say that a pregnant woman should consume about 25-30 grams of fiber daily.
  • Make sure you exercise daily (walking, exercising, swimming, etc.).
  • Sometimes a little plum juice before a meal can help or eat 1-2 kiwifruit before a meal.
  • 2 teaspoons of flax seeds left to soak in 100 g of yogurt, then consume this composition in the morning, before breakfast. Your doctor may recommend capsules with flaxseed oil.
  • If necessary, you can take certain laxatives, but only approved by your doctor and suitable for pregnant women!
  • Don’t postpone going to the bathroom! Go when you feel the need to go to the bathroom.

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