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Why do so many young people get cancer? Everything starts from the first days of life and continues with a western lifestyle

Researchers studied the risk factors underlying the increase in early-onset cancer cases. The incidence of these often fatal diseases has increased since the 1990s in many parts of the world.

Cancer occurs when genetic mutations cause cells to grow out of control and can occur in any organ or tissue in the body. According to the World Health Organization, the condition is the second leading cause of death in the world, he writes Medical news today.

Recently, scientists looked at various studies to determine possible risk factors for early-onset cancer.

They noted that lifestyle factors early in life, such as diet, obesity, and environmental exposure, can contribute to early-onset cancer risk.

Experts concluded that early-onset cancer risk factors are likely linked to environmental exposures in early childhood and young adulthood, starting in the mid-20th century.

The study was published in Clinical oncology.

How lifestyle influences the increased risk of getting cancer before age 50

Researchers have noted in studies to date that there can be decades between initial cell damage and clinical detection of cancer.

They also noted that the increase in the number of early-onset cancers correlates with rising lifestyle trends, including diets, lifestyles and “more Westernized” environments.

Experts noted that such changes, which began in the mid-20th century, could have influenced the incidence of early-onset cancer in the 1990s because their effects would take time to build up.

Lifestyle factors that can increase cancer risk include:

  • The Western diet, defined as high in saturated fat, red meat, processed meat, sugar, and ultra-processed foods, but low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fiber.
  • Lower breastfeeding rates and increased consumption of formula milk
  • Smoking habits, including personal habits and secondhand smoke or exposure in utero
  • Reduced sleep among children due to bright lights at night
  • Night work as it increases the incidence of cancer risk factors such as obesity and diabetes
  • Reproductive changes, including age below menarche (early period), fewer births, increased age at first and last births, and increased use of oral contraceptives
  • Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle
  • Increased rates of type 2 diabetes
  • The researchers also wrote that eight of the 14 cancers studied involved the digestive system, indicating the importance of the oral and gut microbiome in cancer risk.
  • In particular, they highlighted nutrition, lifestyle factors and increased use of antibiotics as factors affecting the microbiome and increasing the risk of cancer.

How does lifestyle increase cancer risk?

Asked how lifestyle factors might increase early-onset cancer risk, Dr Gypsyamber D’Souza, a professor of cancer epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University who is not involved in the study, said that ‘ lifestyle factors, lifestyle factors, such as obesity, physical inactivity and poor nutrition, are associated with an increased risk of multiple cancers.

These factors likely increase the risk of cancer both directly and indirectly. For example, they can cause increased inflammation and can affect or disrupt cellular regulation processes, thus directly increasing the risk and can cause other chronic diseases which, in turn, increase the risk of cancer. “

Dr Jeanine Genkinger, an associate professor of epidemiology at Columbia University who was not involved in the study, says many of the lifestyle factors associated with early-onset cancer risk may also influence cancer risk later in the study. life.

“A number of lifestyle factors that the authors point to are factors that also influence late-onset cancers – it’s just the time frame in life that might be different to cause early-onset cancer. Factors such as l ‘obesity can impact through insulin resistance and inflammation to cause cancer risk,’ said the expert.

“We know that these lifestyle factors have changed over the past few decades to more unhealthy characteristics early in life. For example, we see higher rates of overweight and obesity in children today than they were 30 years ago and we also know that children consume more sugary drinks today than they are in their 30s and 40s, “said Dr Jeanine Genkinger.

“So we think this change in the timing of these risk factors over the course of life could drive some of the increase in early-onset cancers,” he noted.

How we reduce the risk of cancer

Doctors agree that paying more attention to food helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Here are some things you can do to be as healthy as possible

  • Avoid Western-style diets rich in highly processed foods, animal fats, desserts, and excess red meat
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid smoking / smoking
  • Consume nutritious and well-balanced foods and drinks
  • Try to sleep well on a regular schedule and avoid bright lights at night
  • Reduce night shifts as much as possible
  • Vaccination against carcinogenic microorganisms such as HPV and HBV

The types of cancer that affect people under 50

For the review, the researchers first looked at global data from 2000 to 2012 on the incidence of 14 cancers that increased in incidence among adults under age 50. These included:

The researchers then looked at studies investigating possible risk factors for cancer, along with the literature describing the clinical and biological characteristics of early and late-onset cancers.

They recognized that the increased incidence of early-onset cancer may be in part related to the increased prevalence of screening. They also wrote, however, that other factors are likely to be responsible.

Dr Tomotaka Ugai, a pathology researcher at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, one of the study’s authors, explained, however, that the study we’re talking about also has some limitations.

“A limitation of this study is that we did not have adequate data from low- and middle-income countries to identify trends in cancer incidence over the decades. We look forward to continuing this research by collecting more data and collaborating with international research institutes to better monitor global trends.

Another limitation is the paucity of longitudinal cohort studies with early childhood exposure and biosample data. We need investments and long-term commitments for such cohort studies, “explained the doctor.

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