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Why Do Hard-Boiled Eggs Turn Green? The Chemical Explanation


Have you ever noticed that after preparing a hard-boiled egg, the color has become tinted green? There’s a specific reason why this happens, probably different than you imagine. Let’s find out together what it is.

via Incredibleegg



When we decide to enjoy an excellent hard-boiled egg for lunch or dinner, something unusual and suspicious happens: once it is ready, we realize that the yolk has changed color and takes on a greenish hue, often in the shape of a “ring”.

There is a precise reason for this transformation and it has nothing to do with any contact between the egg and the vegetables we prepared as a side dish.

Eggs: a versatile product with a high nutritional value


Surely you will have noticed this phenomenon once, since eggs are a product that is present in every refrigerator. This food is extremely versatile and is consumed by most people to make a wide variety of recipes. In fact, eggs have numerous properties and benefits that can contribute to general well-being, although it is recommended not to consume more than one per day if you do not have any health problems such as high cholesterol, otherwise the dose should be lower.

The richest part of the egg is undoubtedly the yolk, yellow in color, which contains mineral salts, fat-soluble vitamins, lecithin, fat and cholesterol. The egg white, on the other hand, with a jelly-like and transparent consistency, contains potassium, sodium, magnesium, proteins and B vitamins.


Dezidor/Wikimedia Commons

Their nutritional value is therefore important, even if they are not suitable food for some categories of people. It is essential to choose only safe and quality products and most importantly to ensure that they are fresh.

Their preparation in the kitchen can be varied and also fast: in a few minutes you can make soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, make an omelette or use them as an ingredient for other dishes, such as pasta, and finally hard-boiled.

It is precisely the latter that have the curious property we want to talk about: why do they take on that curious green colour?

That green ring around the egg yolk, this is it

The green ring or hue we see appearing around the yolk of a hard-boiled egg has a chemical explanation. In fact, it is the result of the interaction between the iron in the yolk and the hydrogen sulfide in the egg white. When eggs are cooked at very high temperatures or for too long, this change occurs on the outside of the yolk, right where it meets the egg white and the two come into contact.

However, this need not be a problem: the egg remains edible and the chemical reaction does not cause any health problems. The only negative effect may be a slight change in taste, which may not please everyone. To remedy this inconvenience, it is sufficient to reduce the cooking time to lower temperatures or shorter.

Have you ever noticed this phenomenon and wondered if it is dangerous to eat a green yolk?

2023-07-29 11:15:10
#hardboiled #eggs #strange #green #ring #yolk

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