Home » today » Health » Why Breastfeeding Immediately After a Caesarean Section is Essential for Infant Gut Health: Insights from a Pediatrician

Why Breastfeeding Immediately After a Caesarean Section is Essential for Infant Gut Health: Insights from a Pediatrician

Gastrohepatology Consultant Pediatrician Dr. Ariani Dewi Widodo, Sp.A (K) said babies born vaginally caesar Breastfeeding should be given immediately to improve the condition of the intestinal microbiota.

“There is an imbalance of bacteria in the gut or dysbiosis in children born by caesarean section,” said the doctor who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Indonesia in a health webinar, Wednesday.

This means that the composition of harmful bacteria is higher, while the good bacteria are less than normal or vaginal births.

Intestinal dysbiosis in a born child caesar will increase the risk of health problems in the future, especially in immunity and growth.

Thus, a balanced composition of the microbiota is necessary for the development of immune tolerance. Therefore, in order to improve the condition of the intestinal microbiota, babies must be given breast milk containing probiotics as soon as possible.

“Breastfeeding will provide probiotics in large quantities to the baby so that at least after birth caesarrepairing losses caused by not giving probiotics,” said Ariani.

Breast milk also contains prebiotics which are also probiotic foods so it is hoped that prebiotics and probiotics can develop properly and be in balance.

Ariani then emphasized the importance of mothers and babies undergoing early initiation of breastfeeding or IMD immediately after the baby was born. IMD is a baby’s process of suckling immediately after birth by letting him find his own mother’s nipples.

“During IMD, the important thing is not that the baby is able to breastfeed but is there skin to skin contact between mother and baby which will usually increase the success of breastfeeding,” explained Ariani.

“If babies can’t get breast milk, to replace probiotics and prebiotics, we can provide supplementation,” said Ariani.

According to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), IMD begins by placing the baby on the mother’s stomach. When a baby is born naturally caesarthen placed on the mother’s chest.

Dry the baby starting from the face, head and other parts of the body except for the hands because the smell of the amniotic fluid on the baby’s hands will help him find the mother’s nipples which have the same smell.

So that the smell persists, the mother’s breasts should not be cleaned either. Then, when drying the baby’s body, there is no need to remove the vernix or the protective layer of the baby’s skin which is similar to fat, because the vernix can function as a heat barrier for the baby.

After the umbilical cord is cut and tied, turn the baby face down on the mother’s stomach with the baby’s head facing the mother’s head. If the delivery room is cold, then give a blanket that will cover the mother and the baby, and put a hat on the baby’s head.

After 12 to 44 minutes your baby will begin to move by kicking, moving their legs, shoulders and arms. This stimulation will help the uterus to contract.

Although their ability to see is limited, babies can see areola mammae the darker one around the nipple and moving towards it. The baby will bang its head against the mother’s chest. This is stimulation that resembles a massage on the mother’s breast.

The baby then reaches the nipple by relying on his sense of smell and being guided by the smells on his hands. The baby will lift his head, start sucking on the nipple, and start suckling. This can be achieved between 27 – 71 minutes.

By the time the baby is ready to suckle, the first feed lasts about 15 minutes and once done, for another two to 2.5 hours the baby has no desire to suckle. During breastfeeding the baby will coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing movements.

Reporter: Lia Wanadriani Santosa

Editor : Bima Agustian

COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News Bangka Belitung 2023

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