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Who Says Vitamin E is Only for Skin Health? Here are 11 Other Benefits

TEMPO.CO, JakartaVitamin E be one of the nutrients that are good for health, one of which is skin health. Vitamin E works by increasing skin elasticity and moisture, preventing premature aging, protecting skin from damage and so on. In addition to having an important role for skin health, vitamin E is also an important nutrient for vision, reproduction, blood, and brain.

Launching from www.mayoclinic.org vitamin E has antioxidant properties, which are substances that can protect cells from the effects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are produced when the body breaks down food or when exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. It could be, free radicals have a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases.

Benefits of Vitamin E for the Body

For adults, the recommended amount of vitamin E is 15 milligrams a day. From the results of research on Vitamin E benefits as follows:

1. Alzheimer’s disease

High doses of vitamin E can delay the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in people already diagnosed with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease. This has been shown by several studies. However, other studies have not shown these benefits.

2. Liver disease

Vitamin E may improve symptoms of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, studies show. However, taking oral vitamin E for this purpose for two years was associated with insulin resistance. This is shown by some evidence.

3. Heart disease

Reporting from www.mountsinai.org, people with higher levels of vitamin E in their bodies have a lower risk of heart disease. This is found by many population studies. But related to taking vitamin E can help prevent heart disease, researchers have investigated and the results have not shown any benefit at all.

4. Cancer

Eating foods high in vitamin E and other antioxidants can help prevent cancer, population studies have shown that looked at large groups of people over time. Cancer patients by other studies have shown that often have lower levels of vitamin E.

Researchers wonder whether antioxidants like vitamin E can help prevent cancer. However, evidence of vitamin E supplements has not supported this. However, recent evidence suggests that dietary vitamin E and low doses of tocopherol are cancer prevention. While this does not apply to high-dose supplements with alpha tocopherol. Where the research is taking place.

5. Photodermatitis

Over eight days, a clinical study compared treatment using vitamins C and E with placeo. The study found that people who took significantly less vitamins were less sensitive to sunlight. Another clinical study conducted over 50 days also demonstrated a protective effect of the combination of vitamins C and E. Photodermatitis itself is a situation involving an allergic-type reaction to UV rays of the sun.

6. Eye health

Together with other antioxidants, vitamin E 400 IU may protect against the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is the leading cause of legal blindness in people in the United States over the age of 55. Researchers don’t know if this combination of nutrients can help prevent AMD or help people with less advanced AMD. However, it appears that people with advanced AMD benefit the most.

Vitamins E and C can also help treat uveitis, which is inflammation of the uvea, the middle layer of the eye between the sclera (the white outer layer of the eye) and the retina. Of 130 people with uveites, a clinical study found that people who took vitamins E and C had clearer vision than people who took a placebo.

7. Menstrual pain

It has been found by several studies that vitamin E can help relieve menstrual pain. Women who took 500 IU of vitamin E for two days before and three days after their period, in one study showed that they began to experience less pain than taking a placedo.

8. Diabetes

For people with diabetes, supplements of vitamin E and other antioxidants can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other complications. However, taking vitamin E can help diabetics is not found by all studies.

9. Preeclampsia or pre-eclampsia

Taking vitamin E along with vitamin C can help prevent preeclampsia in women who are at high risk. This is shown by several studies, but not all studies agree.

10. Late Diskinesia

Tardive dyskinesia is an involuntary repetitive movement that is a side effect of taking certain medications for a long time. Vitamin E supplements can help treat tardive dyskinesia, several small studies have shown. However, not all studies have found that vitamin E can help.

11. Arthritis

Taking vitamin E along with standard medications for rheumatoid arthritis, one study has shown can help reduce pain in the arthritis. But not on inflammation, but better than standard drugs.


Read: Not everyone can freely drink vitamin E, be aware of this condition

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