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Who protects those who have no back in a country where patients die at the doors of hospitals?


“A young woman breaks into a bank in Beirut by force of arms”, “shows her strength to raise money to treat her sister with cancer”, “continues the series #banks, and the heroine is a revolutionary Beiruti “… all titles that accompanied the accident of the bank” #Libano e la Diaspora “, the branch of Sodeco, where the young woman, Sally Hafez, used a plastic gun to collect a certain amount of fresh dollars that money had been withheld from her, with the aim of saving her sister’s life, struggling with the worry of expensive treatment on the one hand, and the pain of the dreaded illness on the other.

Sally Hafez, a civil and human rights activist, launched her loud cry in the arenas of the “Tishreen Uprising”, demanding a life of dignity like other young men and women who are tired of the situation in the country and the corruption of its rulers. The constant “hitting by the security forces” and “arresting her” did not dissuade her or cause her to be withdrawn. Today Sally has decided to recover her right to her by resorting to a plastic weapon that she has “mocked” for safety and personnel, in a move that reveals the fragility of our reality. In any case, the story of the plastic weapon remains transmitted by Sally, her family and the “Association of Depositors”, while security has not yet made any comment.

The young woman from Beirut, accompanied by some young people and civil activists, entered the bank, pointing the gun at the employee, who refused to give her $ 20,000 from his account, knowing that he had explained her sister’s situation to him and that she could face real danger that could take her life unless the funds needed to enter the hospital are “immediately” available. After taking and responding, things got out of hand and, unless the bank management agreed peacefully, handed them over to the depositor to the force of arms, with open arms, signed the legal papers and walked out waving. his hand on his way to the airport, where the Turkish capital, Istanbul, was to be his destination before issuing a search warrant. .

“Her sister is tormenting in front of her, should she have left her and surrendered? Oh my daughter, she does anything for the sake of the sand she loves” … So expressed Sally’s mother in an interview with “An-Nahar” on the action of her daughter, who “is proud of her and her courage”, explaining “the living difficulties she has to face”. The family in light of the existence of a difficult humanitarian and health situation for the infidel, but did not insult those who sold their conscience and still steal people and their money with loose slogans that are no longer believed today. Several times with the bank to pay her the fee for her sister’s care, he even took her with her to make sure her administration was correct, but they refused to listen and asked her to leave ”.

In a funny piece of information that the mother revealed to Al-Nahar, we learned that the young woman who caused the panic between security and staff did not have a real weapon, but rather plastic, to complete the process, so that she didn’t expect anyone to believe her, unlike what happened. “We have been trying to contact her for about an hour. I don’t know where she is, but she managed to withdraw half of the requested amount in dollars, and the rest was obtained in Lebanese pounds to be paid at the Hotel Dieu Hospital in Ashrafieh. who asks us to pay the expenses for the care of my 23-year-old daughter “.

In a poignant message, Sally’s mother addressed several questions to the officials and relevant authorities of An-Nahar, in which she asked them: “Who protects those who have no back in a country where patients die in front of doors. of hospitals and are humiliated by exchanging green leaves that have no value in relation to the lives of our loved ones? Is this what it takes? Stand and wait for relief that seems impossible …? “

Not only did the series of banks stop at Sally today, but Aley, specifically “Bank Med”, witnessed a similar event, in which citizen Rami Sharaf El-Din stormed the bank after this. the latter had refused to give him a small sum from his fresh dollar account, only to be stopped later by the security services who were working on the investigation with him in the meantime. According to information from An-Nahar, the young man was able to collect part of the amount from the bank, but the accuracy of the number has not been confirmed so far.

Legally, lawyer Sharif Suleiman told “Al-Nahar” that “two inmates who were with Sally Al-Hafiz in the Al-Helou barracks could be charged with a misdemeanor, and what they did was a reaction to the rape. of depositors’ money “. As for the representative Halima Al-Qaqour, he felt that “what is needed is a fair solution for depositors and not to pass suspicious laws”.

In a related context, Hassan Mughniyeh, head of the Association of depositors, explained to Al-Nahar that “as the Association of depositors, we do not ask for violence or use of weapons to obtain our rights or reap our lives, but today we cannot stop the depositor, especially if it is a matter of “life or death”, or wait for the plan of President Najib Mikati, which we promised months ago, is implemented, and so far has not been implemented “, noting that” the banks could go on strike in response to what is happening recently as a questionable step, as they have asked to meet us, but we have not accepted and we will not. There was no goodwill initiative.

Far from controversy, the Lebanese road was divided between supporters and opponents. It is necessary to mention the pressing circumstances facing large numbers of depositors who are unable to care for their families or provide for their basic needs due to arbitrary decisions taken by banks against them, under the pretext of “industry failure. “, so that depositors respond to them in their own way with the slogan” What has been taken by force cannot be recovered “. By force “.

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